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Michigan reports rapid increase in coronavirus deaths after missing case found in record review


The state reported 437 new cases of the new coronavirus on Saturday, July 25, a reduction of over 100 cases compared to 594 daily cases on Friday.

According to the Department of Health and Human Services, Michigan has a total of 76,978 COVID-19 cases compared to 76,541 on Friday.

However, recent COVID-19 mortality statistics have been a bit confusing due to recent data quality review operations at the state level.

14 deaths were reported on Saturday compared to 3 on Friday. Deaths announced today include eight deaths identified during a critical record review, according to Michigan health officials.

Manual data entry errors related to cumulative mortality were also found, leading to a reduction of 16 cumulative mortality. According to the state statement, the false confirmation of death occurred during the investigation of a local incident, and included falsely indicating a non-deceased person as a deceased person.

On Friday, 24 July, hospitalization was reported down, with 481 inpatients and 113 ventilator cases reported.

As of Thursday, July 23, 981 (3.5%) of the 27,879 diagnostic tests were virus positive.

According to the state, the Grand Rapids region is still at a high risk level as of 22 July. MI Safe Start MapIt was created by the College of Informatics and School of Public Health at the University of Michigan.

The Detroit, Kalamazoo, Saginaw, Jackson, and Upper Peninsula areas remain at moderately high risk levels, and the Traverse City area remains at moderate risk levels.

Let’s take a look at the five counties in Michigan that have the most confirmed cases.

1. Wayne County: 24,371 cases (2,666 deaths)

2. Auckland County: 10,542 cases (1,083 deaths)

3. Macomb County: 8,425 cases (899 deaths)

4. Kent County: 6,020 (148 deaths)

5. Genesee County: 2,582 (269 deaths)

Visit the following website for state-wide data: Click here for MLive coronavirus data page.. To find a test site near you, State online test finder, here, Send an email to [email protected]Or call 888-535-6136 between 8am and 5pm on weekdays.

COVID-19 Prevention Tips

In addition to Wash your hands regularly and don’t touch your face, The authorities recommend keeping a social distance, assuming someone may carry the virus.

Health officials say you should work at least 6 feet away from others at home if possible.

use Disinfectant wipes Or Disinfect spray cleaners on frequently touched surfaces At your home (door handle, faucet, countertop) and Carry hand sanitizer with you When you go to a place like a store.

Governor Michigan Gretchen Whitmer also issued a presidential order demanding that people wear it Face covering the mouth and nose Inside the enclosed public space.

For additional information, And

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