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Canada gets another chance at the para hockey world title at home | National sports

Canada gets another chance at the para hockey world title at home |  National sports


CALGARY – The Canadian para-hockey team gets another chance to win a world championship on home ice.

Canada hosted the Para Hockey World Championship for the first time in 2023 in Moose Jaw, Sask., where the home team took the silver medal behind the United States.

The 2024 edition at the WinSport Arena in Calgary, where the Canadians open against Japan on Saturday, offers more familiar territory.

“There's so much gratitude to have the opportunity to play on home ice in a world championship for years and years,” said forward Tyler McGregor of Forest, Ont.

“Last year was the first year we ever had the opportunity to host and we are very fortunate to have the opportunity to do that back to back, especially as we come back to Calgary where we spend a lot of our time training and preparing as When I started twelve years ago, we came here several times a year, so it feels like a home base.”

Another Canada-US hockey rivalry is brewing on the para front as the two countries have clashed in six consecutive world finals.

The US has won three straight in both 2018 and 2022 and also beat Canada for Paralympic gold. Canada last won a world championship in 2017 in Gangneung, South Korea.

“That rivalry goes back years and years,” McGregor said. 'There is so much competitive emotion involved, but also so much respect.

“We have exchanged many gold medals over the years. We have often been on the right side, but also often on the wrong side. That history increasingly fuels the rivalry.”

The eight-nation tournament will conclude on May 12 with the medal games.

Canada's pool includes Japan, Italy and 2023 bronze medalist Czech Republic, while defending champions China, Slovakia and South Korea are in the others.

After Saturday's opener against Japan, Canada will face Italy on Sunday. The top two countries in each group advance to the semi-finals.

“Canada-USA is a rivalry of the highest level in any brand of hockey,” said Canadian head coach Russ Herrington of Unionville, Ont.

“Both ourselves and the Americans are aware of the other teams that are here. China and the Czech Republic in particular, as they are the ones that performed in the bronze medal match last year and are certainly none to take lightly.

“We haven't played Japan for a long time. We have the Italians who will be the next Paralympic hosts. We have a very good schedule that will test us. Ultimately, we would like to see the Americans play again .” the last match of the tournament.”

Only athletes with a qualifying disability may participate in international para hockey.

The sport has the hard checks and high elbows of the standing version, sometimes knocking skaters off their sleds.

“That's the part of the sport that I love and I think that's why guys play it,” said forward Liam Hickey of St. John's, N.L.

“It's not the only reason, but it certainly adds something to the game. That's another exciting opportunity, for people to come and see the sport and really see how physical it is.”

What has been a biennial hockey championship for the past decade is now an annual event.

The 18 countries that play para hockey wanted an annual world tournament, which gave the World Para Ice Hockey Association the buy-in to hold it every May, the organization's senior manager Michelle Laflamme said.

“There is a confidence that a country can host every year,” said Laflamme, originally from Montreal and now based in Germany.

“It helps the athletes know that it will be at a specific time each year for training, financial planning, training camp and structure for high performance. All teams know what to expect from their season.”

Para hockey is “open” in terms of gender, but only four women have competed in the 12 world championships so far, and none are on the rosters in Calgary.

Raphaelle Tousignant of Terrebone, Que., was the first woman to make the Canadian team last year in Moose Jaw, Sask.

She was not included in the 17-player roster in Calgary, but remains in the 24-player pool, Herrington said.

Tousignant also played this season for the national para women's hockey team which is part of a movement to get full women's teams to the Paralympic Games.

The 2023 Para Ice Hockey Women's World Challenge in Green Bay, Wisconsin featured Canada, the United States, Great Britain and a Team World.

Laflamme says women's para hockey needs at least eight participating countries, and has hosted at least two world championships, to apply to compete in the 2030 Winter Paralympics.

“There are a lot of moving pieces,” she said. “We really need to get the countries behind it.”

This report by The Canadian Press was first published May 3, 2024.




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