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AI makes coding easier, paving the way for faster business innovation

AI makes coding easier, paving the way for faster business innovation


From Silicon Valley startups to tech giants, artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly transforming the art of computer programming. It gives developers a powerful new toolkit to brainstorm ideas, write and improve code, and fix pesky bugs with the help of an AI-powered assistant.

As an example, the AI ​​coding movement is being fueled by GitHub, which is now owned by Microsoft. GitHub unveils AI tools to streamline coding, potentially boosting innovation. Copilot Workspace provides developers with a new environment to integrate platform AI assistants. This integration allows developers to use his AI for various coding tasks such as brainstorming, planning, building, testing, and running code using natural language.

Simply put, generative AI can write code for you, Bob Rogers, CEO of, a supply chain AI company, told PYMNTS. Programming is a language, and generative AI doesn't have to worry about switching from English to Spanish to Python or JavaScript and is fluent in all of them. In many cases, if you clearly express what you want your application to do, GenAI will write the code to do it and it will work on the first try.

How AI helps programmers

AI-powered tools like GitHub Copilot Workspace are just one example of how AI is transforming the world of programming. Across industries, developers are turning to AI to streamline their workflows and improve productivity.

For example, OpenAIs Codex is an AI system trained on billions of lines of public code that can generate code snippets or entire functions based on natural language descriptions. This technology powers GitHub Copilot and has been used to create many applications ranging from simple web pages to complex machine learning models.

Similarly, Google's TabNine uses machine learning to provide intelligent code completion, helping developers write code faster and with fewer errors. The tool learns from your coding style and suggests completions based on the context of your code, making it a powerful ally in your quest for clean, efficient code.

Observers say their impact will grow as these tools evolve and become more sophisticated. AI helps developers work smarter and faster by automating repetitive tasks, catching errors early, and suggesting optimizations.

This efficiency increase has far-reaching implications for businesses across a variety of industries. AI-powered tools enable developers to create software and applications faster with fewer resources, accelerating the company's innovation cycle and bringing new products and services to market faster. .

Simple tasks like building landing pages, basic website design, and generating reports can all be performed by AI, saving programmers time and allowing them to focus on less boring, more complex tasks, Rogers says. says Mr.

What's important to remember is that while generative AI can enhance skills and help people learn to code, it still can't directly replace programmers who need to design systems.

AI allows developers to rapidly create prototypes and identify bugs in their code. Narayanapappu, CEO of Zenddata, a San Francisco-based data security and privacy compliance solutions provider, told PYMNTS. That said, as this is fairly new, it is important to have human involvement to verify the generated code, and appropriate testing to identify security bugs and issues early. and control is needed, he added.

Real-world AI coding results

Rogers said AI has been helping him with coding lately. Recently, he sat in a waiting room with his son, a wildlife conservation biologist, for two hours.

He asked me if AI could help estimate the species and abundance of zooplankton in collected water samples, he added. I suggested that I ask GPT Coding Copilot to help me set up one of his latest computer vision libraries for this purpose. We also asked for help in collecting training images from the Internet. Voila! We took working code from generative AI, incorporated it into our collaboration, and had a working classification and counting system within two hours. It was a revelation for my son and a fun outcome for me too.

Additionally, experts say AI-assisted coding tools could democratize innovation by lowering the barrier to entry into software development, allowing small businesses and individual developers to create sophisticated applications that rival those of large corporations. It has said.

AI coding can also impact commerce. Mr. Rogers noted that one of the biggest challenges in international commerce is processing and tracking customs and shipping documents as goods move from place to place.

These documents are rarely digitized, he added. Generative AI in programming will change this in two ways. First, it's now much easier for customers to create AI-powered readers and converters for physical documents. Consider taking a photo of a document with your phone and having it automatically converted and recorded. Second, AI-powered infrastructure improvements will accelerate the adoption of true electronic funds transfer processes in many markets.

Technology consultant John Bambenek said AI programming is likely to lead to a similar proliferation of outsourcing, with a glut of lower-quality but cheaper new products and services that consumers will have to sift through. he told PYMNTS.

More information: AI, AI Coding, Artificial Intelligence, Bob Rogers, CODEX, Coding, Copilot Workspace, GenAI, Generated AI, github, Google, John Bambenek, Narayana Pappu, News,, OpenAI, PYMNTS News, TabNine, Zendata




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