VIagra is best known for helping with erectile dysfunction, but new research suggests it may also lower the risk of Alzheimer's disease.
Viagra belongs to a group of drugs known as phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors, which work by relaxing blood vessels and increasing blood flow to the Research published in neurologyresearchers found that these drugs were also associated with a lower risk of Alzheimer's disease.
The study analyzed the health records of around 270,000 men in the UK diagnosed with erectile dysfunction between 2000 and 2017. Researchers compared the incidence of Alzheimer's disease in men prescribed drugs for erectile dysfunction, primarily the generic name sildenafil. Viagra) for men who are not prescribed the drug. In the UK, lifestyle changes are the first choice of treatment for this disease, and if these are ineffective, doctors will prescribe medication. (In 2018, after participants were enrolled, sildenafil became available at pharmacies without a prescription.)
Men who were prescribed the drug had an 18% lower risk of developing Alzheimer's disease than men who were not prescribed the drug. This decrease was greater among men who received 20 or more prescriptions during the study's 5-year follow-up period.
“We did not have high expectations and thought there was certainly no direct evidence between these drugs and a reduction in the risk of Alzheimer's disease. However, we definitely found a preventive effect. Ruth Brouwer, a lecturer at the School of Pharmacy at University College London and lead author of the paper, said. “We feel these are good candidates for drug repurposing.” [for Alzheimer’s]”
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This study is not the first to examine the relationship between erectile dysfunction drugs and the risk of Alzheimer's disease. His two previous studies, both conducted in the United States, came to contradictory conclusions. 69% lower risk of Alzheimer's disease Among drug users, others No relevance found. But Brauer said one of those studies relied on insurance data, and her study included more detailed information from anonymized medical health records from the UK's National Health Service. I pointed out that there is. This allowed her team to better adjust for potential confounding factors that could influence the risk of erectile dysfunction and Alzheimer's disease, such as smoking, alcohol use, and other health conditions. Even after controlling for these factors, the association between drugs and reduced risk of Alzheimer's disease remained.
Treatments for erectile dysfunction work by relaxing blood vessels and increasing blood flow. The effects may extend to the brain, where improved circulation may help clear buildup of toxic proteins closely associated with Alzheimer's disease. Based on animal studies, the drug also indirectly increases levels of a brain chemical called acetylcholine, which is involved in memory, learning, and attention. ( First drug to treat symptoms of Alzheimer's disease Increases brain levels of acetylcholine. )
Although this data does not prove a causal link between erectile dysfunction drugs and reduced risk of Alzheimer's disease, Professor Brauer points to other evidence that strengthens the link. When the data was broken down by age, the drug's protective effect was stronger in men over 70 than in men under 70. “This drug seems to have a greater effect among people who are most at risk for Alzheimer's disease,” she says. “We feel these promising results justify further consideration of these drugs as candidates for repurposing.”
One limitation of the study is that the scientists only had data on the number of prescriptions the men received and could not verify whether they filled the prescriptions or used the drugs properly. Thing. They also could not explain how much physical or sexual activity the men engaged in. For example, men with erectile dysfunction may be more sexually and physically active than other men.
Professor Brauer hopes that other researchers will further explore the potential of erectile dysfunction drugs by conducting trials that address these issues, involving not only women but also men without erectile dysfunction. ing. If this relationship remains strong, these drugs could provide another way for people to protect themselves from neurodegenerative diseases.