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Two big benefits of the Mediterranean diet's cousin

Two big benefits of the Mediterranean diet's cousin
Two big benefits of the Mediterranean diet's cousin


February 12, 2024 – People who followed the Atlantic Diet eating pattern significantly reduced their waistlines and improved their cholesterol levels, a new study shows.

The Atlantic diet refers to a traditional way of eating in parts of Spain and Portugal that focuses on home-cooking local, fresh, minimally processed, seasonal ingredients. This is similar to the popular Mediterranean diet, both of which emphasize vegetables, fruits, whole grains, beans, and olive oil. The Atlantic diet further emphasizes seafood, potatoes, bread, milk, and cheese while limiting meat and wine.

Researchers randomly assigned 231 families in Spain to either follow a guided Atlantic diet for six months or simply follow their usual diet and lifestyle as a comparison group with people on the Atlantic diet. assigned to. The families participating in this study included 231 men and 343 women, ranging in age from 18 to 85 years, with an average age of 47 years. Families following the Atlantic Diet attended dietary education sessions and cooking classes, and also received educational materials and nutritional supplements. food basket. The results of this survey were announced this month. JAMA network open.

Researchers found that people in the Atlantic diet group were 68% less likely to be newly diagnosed with metabolic syndrome during the study's six-month follow-up period. In the Atlantic region group, 2.7% of children in the control group had newly diagnosed metabolic syndrome at 6 months of age, compared with 7.3% in the control group.

metabolic syndrome (sometimes called insulin resistance syndrome) may be diagnosed if three or more of the following are present:

  • Large waistline or apple-like body shape
  • high blood pressure
  • high blood sugar level
  • high levels of triglycerides
  • low HDL cholesterol levels

Compared to a control group, study participants who followed the Atlantic diet had reduced waistlines and increased levels of HDL cholesterol, also known as “good cholesterol.” Although there were no measurable differences between the groups for blood pressure, blood sugar, or triglyceride levels, those in the Atlantic diet group were more likely than the control group to be at risk of contributing to metabolic syndrome at the end of the diet. They were less likely to have multiple major medical conditions. study period.

The findings are important because about one in three adults in the United States has metabolic syndrome, which increases the risk of heart disease, diabetes and stroke, according to data from the National Institutes of Health.

Interestingly, of the 117 study participants who already had metabolic syndrome at the start of the project, nearly 30% no longer met criteria for metabolic syndrome by the end of the study, compared with those on both the Atlantic diet and the control group. did. It had the potential to reduce symptoms as well.

The study also sought to investigate whether the Atlantic Coast diet had environmental sustainability benefits, such as reduced carbon emissions, but found that between the Atlantic Coast diet group and the group that did not change their dietary patterns. There was no significant difference between them. The researchers estimated carbon emissions based on how each food listed in participants' food diaries was produced, transported, sold, and ultimately consumed. The researchers found that additional analyzes showed that if the study were larger, the environmental impact of following the Atlantic diet would be significantly measurable and could potentially reduce greenhouse gas emissions. He wrote that he predicted that it would have happened.




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