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Oregon resident contracted bubonic plague from cat

Oregon resident contracted bubonic plague from cat
Oregon resident contracted bubonic plague from cat


February 7th, Deschutes County Health Services Oregon has confirmed the first reported case of bubonic plague in humans in nearly a decade. It is believed that the plague was transmitted from the patient's pet cat.

Deschutes County Health Officer Dr. Richard Fawcett said. NBC News The cat was “very sick” and had an abscess, which suggested it had a “pretty serious” infection. A release from health officials said everyone who had close contact with the patient or her pet was contacted and “provided with medication to prevent the disease.”

People exposed to plague usually begin to experience symptoms such as swollen lymph nodes (buboes), fever, nausea, weakness, chills, and muscle aches within two to eight days after exposure. In the case of the Oregon patient, diagnosis and treatment began quickly, so the county health department said additional cases in the area are unlikely.

Dr. Fawcett also told NBC News that the patient “responded very well to antibiotic treatment.”

The plague is rare in modern times, and antibiotics have made it much less deadly to humans than it once was, but the longer it goes untreated, the more severe the disease becomes. “It's the same thing that caused the Black Death, but it was before antibiotics,” David Wagner, director of the Center for Biodefense and Disease Ecology at Northern Arizona University's Pathogen and Microbiome Institute, told the magazine. “The Black Death is now very easily treatable.” It's a simple antibiotic. ”

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Plague is most often transmitted through flea bites or contact with infected animals. Mice, squirrels, chipmunks, and other rodents are the animals most likely to transmit this disease. The county advised people to avoid contact with rodents and fleas as much as possible, and to prevent pet cats from hunting rodents.

In addition, pet owners should keep their animals on a leash when outdoors, treat them for fleas, and take them to the veterinarian if they come into contact with a dead rodent. You should also avoid feeding squirrels and chipmunks, stay away from other wild rodents, and take precautions to avoid flea bites when outdoors.

by CDCApproximately seven cases of bubonic plague are reported each year in the United States, with the majority of cases occurring in “northern New Mexico, northern Arizona, southern Colorado, California, southern Oregon, and far western Nevada.” ing.




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