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Experts have developed new sun safety advice for different skin types.This is what it is about

Experts have developed new sun safety advice for different skin types.This is what it is about


Australians love a day in the sun.

However, our country has one of the highest rates of skin cancer in the world and one of the most ethnically diverse populations.

So cancer researchers came together to create new sun safety advice that better reflects people with darker skin.

The research that influences the guidelines is based on evolving evidence regarding the risks and benefits of sun exposure for all skin types. Published in Australian and New Zealand Public Health Journal on tuesday.

group of people lying on towels

This revised recommendation is supported by major cancer organizations.(ABC News: Jessica Rendall)

Rachel Neal, a senior researcher at research institute QIMR Berghofer, said that while there are health benefits to sunlight exposure, it is also the leading cause of skin cancer, which has a “terrible impact on so many lives”. He said that there is.

“We're really trying to get the balance right so people can enjoy the benefits of sun exposure while reducing the risk of skin cancer,” she said.

What exactly has changed?

Cancer experts met after the 2021 summit to develop a new position statement on balancing the risks and benefits of sun exposure for all Australian adults.

New advice — with support from Cancer Council Australia, Australian Dermatologists Association and others — categorizes people into three broad groups, each with different risks and benefits regarding sun exposure.

Deeply pigmented brown to black skin

According to guidelines, this group has the lowest risk of skin cancer from sun exposure.

Vitamin D is thought to have a low risk of skin cancer, but a high risk of vitamin D deficiency, as it requires prolonged exposure to sunlight to get sufficient amounts.

The guidelines say people can safely spend time outdoors and don't need regular sunscreen unless they're outdoors for long periods of time.

People with very pale skin and risk factors

The guidelines state that for this group, the risks of sun exposure likely outweigh the benefits.

These people have very pale skin that burns easily, have risk factors such as a personal or family history of skin cancer, are immunosuppressed, or have many large or atypical moles. have risk factors.

This cohort is at highest risk for skin cancer, and guidelines advise them to always protect themselves from the sun and talk to their doctor about their vitamin D needs.

Other skin colors and skin without risk factors

This is an intermediate group and the advice lies between the other two groups.

The guidelines state that people in this cohort are at intermediate risk for skin cancer, and the risk-benefit equation is not as simple. They are more likely to have olive or light brown skin and have no other risk factors.

For this group, sunscreen is still very important, but they can also spend some time outdoors.

The amount of time needed outdoors to reap the benefits of vitamin D depends on where the animal lives, the time of day, the season, and how much skin is uncovered by clothing while outdoors.

Researchers hope the new guidelines will be able to inform clinical care and support the provision of personalized advice.

Professor Neil said that although the latest advice was more complex than previous guidance, prevention of skin cancer remained the overall priority.

Why was the guidance updated?

There are several reasons.

In addition to vitamin D production, there is increasing research on the benefits of sunlight exposure.

Vitamin D plays an important role in calcium absorption and is necessary for musculoskeletal health, but deficiency is common in Australia.

“Vitamin D also appears to be important in a variety of other diseases, particularly those related to the immune system, such as infections and autoimmune diseases,” Professor Neil said.

“It is therefore a good idea not to become vitamin D deficient. Of course, vitamin D deficiency can also be achieved through safe and sensible sun exposure, or by taking supplements.”

People and pets are cooling off on the beach during Perth's February heatwave.

Researchers say the balance of risks and benefits regarding sun exposure is not the same for everyone. (ABC News: James Carmody)

The researchers also said there is widespread public confusion about what people should do to protect themselves from the sun while avoiding vitamin D deficiency.

It also appears that medical personnel lacked knowledge about skin color. 2018 survey It was found that 25 per cent of Australian dermatologists are not completely confident in treating the conditions of patients of color.

What else do I need to know?

Professor Neil said all Australians, except those with darker skin, should wear sunscreen every day.

“It should be part of your regular morning routine, just like brushing your teeth,” she said.

“This should be done whenever the UV index is predicted to be above three, and in most parts of Australia that is most of the year.”

While sunscreen provides a basic level of protection, people should also reapply sunscreen and use hats, clothing, sunglasses and sunshade when outdoors to reduce the risk of skin cancer, she said. I am.




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