What is Alaska pox?Pay attention to the symptoms and viruses you should know about after death
News reported by an elderly man in Alaska Died of Alaska pox State health officials said the death is the first confirmed case and brings renewed attention to the recently discovered virus.
The man, who lived on the remote Kenai Peninsula and had a weakened immune system due to cancer treatment, was hospitalized in November and died in late January. According to breaking news Alaska public health officials announced Friday.
Alaska pox, also known as AKPV, is part of a group of viruses called . orthopoxvirusIt infects mammals and causes skin lesions. According to the Alaska Department of Health.
Alaskapox, first discovered in 2015, is related to smallpox, cowpox, and smallpox. Mpoxsaid the official.
It is unclear how the man contracted the virus, but authorities say it may have been related to a stray cat he lived with.
The news comes as Oregon health officials recently confirmed that: A rare case of human plague For residents who are likely to have been infected by a pet cat.
Alaskan pox symptoms
The Alaska State Department of Health says symptoms of Alaska pox include:
- one or more skin lesions
- rash
- swollen lymph nodes
- joint or muscle pain
“Several Alaska pox patients initially thought they had been bitten by a spider or insect,” the health department said.
Dr. Joe McLaughlin, state epidemiologist and chief of the Alaska Department of Health's Alaska Epidemiology Division, told CBS News that in general, people in Alaska are encouraged to see a health care provider if they have lesions that appear to be Alaska pox. He said that it has been done.
“We want to better characterize the disease burden that is occurring in humans associated with this virus, even if the symptoms are mild,” he said. “And people with underlying health conditions or weakened immune systems may be at increased risk of developing more serious infections, so we need to make sure they get the right treatment.” It will be important to see your health care provider early so that you can get treatment.'' With that advice, they probably started treatment to prevent progression. ”
How does Alaska pox spread?
Although it is unclear exactly how Alaskapox is transmitted, researchers say it may be zoonotic, meaning it can be transmitted from animals to humans. Ta.
In a bulletin on AKPV deaths, officials said testing found evidence of current or past infection in several small mammals in the Fairbanks area, including red voles and at least one pet.
Although the cat tested negative for the virus, it “regularly hunted small mammals and frequently scratched the patient,” the bulletin said, adding that the virus was found on the cat's claws as it scratched the patient. This means that there is a possibility that
The preliminary report said there was a “significant” scratch near the armpit where the first symptom, a red lesion, was observed.
How to protect yourself from Alaska pox
In addition to taking precautions around wild animals to avoid possible Alaska pox infection, officials recommend that animals also be on the lookout for skin lesions that may be caused by the virus.
“To date, no human-to-human transmission of Alaskapox virus has been recorded. However, because certain orthopoxviruses can be transmitted by direct contact with skin lesions, For people with possible skin lesions, it is recommended to always keep the affected area covered with a cloth. “Bandage” The Alaska Department of Health stated:.
Officials also recommend not sharing bedding or other linens that have come into contact with the lesions.
McLaughlin said authorities have not yet seen evidence of household pets showing specific signs or symptoms of Alaska pox virus infection.
“That's not to say that such things can't happen. Certainly, pet owners should be careful if their pet has lesions or open wounds. Bring your pet to the veterinarian for evaluation. Lower the threshold to take them to,” he said.
How common is Alaska pox?
Only six other cases of the virus have been reported to Alaska health officials since the first case occurred in 2015. Health officials said all those involved lived in the Fairbanks area, more than 300 miles from the Kenai Peninsula.
Almost all patients had mild illness that resolved spontaneously after a few weeks without hospitalization. People with weakened immune systems may be at increased risk of developing more severe disease, officials said.
Richard Reichinger, an infectious disease epidemiologist at RTI International, a nonprofit research institute, said that at this point the distribution of the Alaska pox virus appears to be limited to Alaska.
“It is unlikely that anyone outside the Fairbanks area will come into contact with the virus,” he said, adding that the risk of the Alaska pox virus becoming “a significant public health concern or serious is very low.”
Julia Rogers, an epidemic information service officer at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, said increased awareness of Alaska pox could cause authorities to report more cases. There is no evidence that they are at risk,” he added. Alaska pox. ”
“However, we need to sample and test many more animals to better understand the status of this virus in animal populations across Alaska and potentially beyond. ” she said.
The Associated Press contributed to this report.
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