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Exercising for at least 150 minutes once or twice a week can reduce your BMI and obesity.

Exercising for at least 150 minutes once or twice a week can reduce your BMI and obesity.
Exercising for at least 150 minutes once or twice a week can reduce your BMI and obesity.


February 21, 2024

3 minute read

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Important points:

  • Adults who exercised once or twice a week had better body composition measurements than those who did not exercise.
  • Adults in the “weekend warrior” group had a lower BMI than adults who were regularly active.

Adults who exercise for at least 150 minutes in one to two sessions per week have similar body composition measurements as adults who exercise for a total of 150 minutes in three or more sessions, according to research data published in . obesity.

An analysis of data from four National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey cycles from 2011 to 2018 found that adults defined as “weekend warriors” who exercise only once or twice a week had lower BMI, lower waist circumference, and lower waist circumference. , Whole body fat amount Adults who exercise less than 150 minutes per week have more abdominal fat. Zhang Lihua, MD; The researchers and assistant professors at the National Cardiovascular Disease Clinical Research Center of Wuwai Hospital, the National Center for Cardiovascular Diseases of the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, and Peking Union Medical College in Beijing said the results of this study show how exercise is integrated into two movements. He said that he was clarifying the truth. It is also beneficial for adults.

man exercising
Exercising for at least 150 minutes once or twice a week provides similar BMI and body composition benefits as exercise sessions three to four times a week. Image: Adobe Stock

“Distributing total physical activity time evenly or focusing it on one to two days per week, as recommended by guidelines, may both be effective in improving fat deposition profiles,” Zhang said. told Healio.

Zhang Lihua

Zhang et al. obtained data from 9,629 adults aged 20 to 59 years (mean age 39 years, 51.6% male) who participated in NHANES from 2011 to 2018. physical activity Frequency and duration were self-reported on the Global Physical Activity Questionnaire. Regularly active adults were adults who engaged in at least 150 minutes of physical activity in two or more sessions (n ​​= 3,277); weekend warriors were those who engaged in at least 150 minutes of physical activity in one to two sessions per week. Adults who did (n = 772) Inactive adults were those who engaged in less than 150 minutes of physical activity per week (n = 5,580). Abdominal fat accumulation and whole body fat mass were assessed by DXA scan. BMI and waist circumference were collected.

Compared to regularly active and inactive adults, weekend warriors had higher total physical activity intensity and longer physical activity duration. Regularly active adults had lower abdominal fat percentage (beta = -0.18, 95% CI, -0.29 to -0.07), waist circumference (beta = -1.31, 95% CI, -2.32 to -0.29), and total body fat. (beta = –0.11; 95% CI, –0.18 to –0.04) and BMI (beta = –0.47; 95% CI, –0.89 to –0.04) than inactive adults. Similarly, adults in the weekend warrior group had lower abdominal obesity (beta = -0.24, 95% CI, -0.38 to -0.1), waist circumference (beta = -1.94, 95% CI, -3.16 to -0.73), abdominal Overall obesity was high. – Body fat mass (beta = –0.16, 95% CI, –0.25 to –0.08) and BMI (beta = –0.78, 95% CI, –1.27 to –0.28) compared to the inactive group.

The weekend warrior group had lower BMI than the regular group (beta = -0.64, 95% CI, -1.23 to -0.06). No differences were observed between the two groups regarding other body composition measurements.

Subgroup analyzes showed that the regularly active group (beta = –0.99, 95% CI, -1.51 to –0.46) and the weekend warrior group (beta = –1.98, 95% CI, –2.83 to –1.14) Women had a lower BMI. Inactive group of people. For men, no difference in her BMI was observed between the three groups. Adults under 45 years of age in the weekend warrior group had a lower BMI than inactive young adults (beta = -0.87, 95% CI, -1.42 to -0.31), whereas those who were regularly active Adults aged 45 and older had lower BMI. higher than in inactive older adults (beta = -0.9; 95% CI, -1.41 to -0.4).

Zhang said future studies should be conducted using accelerometer data to provide a more objective measure of physical activity, and not just in adults over 60.

“Due to the cross-sectional design, physical activity was collected only once,” Zhang said. “Further longitudinal studies may explain changes over time and the causal relationship between physical activity patterns and body fat loss.”

For more information:

Zhang Lihua, medical doctor, PhD, It can be accessed at [email protected].




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