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'Safe' air quality levels in US, UK, EU still harmful to health, study says | Air Pollution

'Safe' air quality levels in US, UK, EU still harmful to health, study says | Air Pollution


Soot-laden air pollution spewed by cars, trucks, and factories causes widespread damage to people's hearts and lungs even at low levels of exposure, and government regulations still pose a dangerous risk to public health. two major new studies have found.

There is no safe amount of the microscopic air pollutant known as PM2.5, which consists of soot particles smaller than the width of a human hair, to affect heart or lung health, and even small amounts US researchers have discovered that there is no safe amount. Risk of potentially serious problems occurring.

in One of the researchan analysis of 60 million people age 65 and older in the United States from 2000 to 2016 found that exposure to average levels of PM2.5 found in the United States was associated with a higher risk of hospitalization for seven major types of cardiovascular disease. was found to increase.

The increased risk level is significant, with the average amount of pollution in the U.S. increasing the risk of hospitalization by 29%, or nearly a third compared to lower air quality guideline levels issued by the world. health Organization (WHO).

However, even the levels recommended by the WHO are not in themselves safe. discovered in the second studyWhen short-term PM2.5 exposure was below WHO limits, there was a significant increase in hospital visits for cardiovascular and respiratory illnesses, as well as emergency visits for respiratory illnesses.

“We've seen a variety of effects from this pollution, from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease to asthma, but the impact on people is at a very low level,” says John, an environmental scientist at the Boston University School of Public Health. Second piece of paper. “This is affecting everyone, not just children and the elderly. It's at every age.”

Small PM2.5 particles are primarily emitted by the combustion of fossil fuels used in cars, trucks, power plants, and industrial processes. The particles can also be released as a result of wildfires, which are intensifying in some places due to the climate crisis. When inhaled, the particles lodge in the lungs, causing a myriad of health problems.

According to previous articles, the dangers posed by such contamination have been known for quite some time. the study, approximately 5 million people die each year worldwide as a result of air pollution from fossil fuels. Air pollution and water pollution together account One in six people die worldwide.

However, government regulations have not kept pace with this threat. This month, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Strengthening national air quality standards for PM2.5President Joe Biden's administration hailed the move as an important step that will save thousands of lives.

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The new standards will reduce the annual permissible PM2.5 emissions from 12 micrograms per cubic meter to 9 micrograms per cubic meter. New research shows this is still above the WHO limit of 5 micrograms per cubic meter, and widespread harm to Americans will continue. “It is clear that the newly published national standards are insufficient to protect public health,” said the authors of the first of two studies published in the BMJ.

PM2.5 thresholds for other places are UK etc. and the other side european unionwhich is also significantly higher than WHO guidelines, leading to calls for stricter enforcement against killer air pollution.

“We have seen very positive effects in terms of reducing PM2.5 from historical levels,” Wellenius said. “While the economy continues to do well, reducing this pollution has had tremendous health benefits. We don't have to choose between economic benefits and health benefits. We can and should have both.”




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