Daily steps and other exercise can help reduce risk
- Researchers report that regular physical activity is associated with lower rates of heart failure in women aged 63 to 99 years.
- Researchers found that 3,600 steps per day is a reasonable goal for older women.
- They suggest that women need to do light to moderate exercise for twice as long to get the same health benefits that they get from intense exercise.
physical activity In older women, including light activity, heart failure rates are higher than those with . A life without physical activity.
That's according to new information
Researchers analyzed activity data from 5,951 women between the ages of 63 and 99. activity tracker 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, except in the water. Participants did not have heart failure.
Scientists followed the women for an average of 7.5 years. During this period, 407 cases of heart failure occurred.
Research findings include:
- Scientists have consistently observed that women who participate in daily physical activity have a lower risk of heart failure.
- Spending twice as much time doing light to moderate exercise had health benefits similar to vigorous physical activity.
- Taking 3,600 steps per day reduces your risk of heart failure by 26%.
Researchers said 30 minutes of exercise and 3,600 steps each day is a reasonable goal for women aged 63 to 99 and can help lower blood pressure. heart failure risk. They suggest that medical professionals encourage older adults to spend more time sitting and less time. Stay active while completing daily activities.
“This study showed that even low levels of activity can be effective in preventing heart failure,” he said. AS Dr. Ajay Valakati, an expert in advanced heart failure at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, was not involved in the study. “Women who took fewer than 2,000 steps per day had the highest risk of developing heart failure. Women who took more than 2,500 steps per day had a lower risk of developing heart failure. Similar benefits Also seen in the following cases light physical activity (double the amount of time) or moderate to vigorous physical activity. This is in contrast to current guidelines, which focus on moderate to vigorous physical activity. This study suggested that light physical activity may provide similar benefits as moderate to heavy physical activity. ”
“I encourage patients in this age group to exercise as much as possible,” Dr. Valakati said. Today's medical news. “If every woman in this age group walked her 2,500 steps a day, her risk of heart failure could be reduced by 25%.”
AS Dr. Samir Amin – The Best of Samir AminA cardiologist and chief medical officer of California's LA Health Plan, who was not involved in the study, said the medical community should encourage people to be active.
“We have long known that increased physical activity leads to improved cardiovascular health. This study deepens our understanding of the link between exercise and heart failure risk.” Amin said. Today's medical news.
“As a medical community, we should encourage people to be active and stay active,” he added. “The more physically active people are, the better their health will be. People often believe that they must do intense exercise to reduce cardiovascular risk. The truth is that anything is better than nothing, and isolation It is better to form a habit than to engage in active activity, as sedentary behavior worsens health conditions.”
“I encourage people to focus on building habits around healthy daily activities rather than step counts,” Amin said. “If counting steps can help someone develop that habit, I’m all for it.”
Over the years, our focus has been on 10,000 steps per day, However, walking that distance may be difficult for some people.
“I think women get discouraged when they try to stay active long enough or get 10,000 steps,” she said. Dr. Jennifer Wong, a cardiologist and medical director of noninvasive cardiology at MemorialCare Heart and Vascular Institute at Orange Coast Medical Center in California, was not involved in the new study. “I like this study because it confirms what I tell my patients and reiterates the risk of the disease. heart failure in women”
“Any step is better than nothing,” Wong said. Today's medical news. “Start small and work your way up to 2,000 steps. Once you reach that goal, aim for 3,600, then 5,000. As you become more active, you should feel better.”
Heart failure is a condition in which the heart cannot pump enough blood to support other organs.
heart failure or heart attack It's not the same thing. A heart attack is a partial or complete blockage of blood flow to part of the heart.
Heart failure may be due to acute, may have a sudden onset or be chronic, worsening gradually over time. Usually caused by another condition, such as: coronary heart disease, heart inflammation, high blood pressureor cardiomyopathyby
There is no cure for heart failure. However, there are ways to manage this condition.
Lifestyle changesdaily physical activities, etc. not smokinglimit alcohol intake, reduce sodium intake, managing stress, get enough sleepmaintain, healthy weight Heart failure can be reduced and managed.
implantable devices etc. pacemaker or defibrillatorcan help the heart beat regularly.
Some medicines may help.
- diuretic and Aldosterone antagonist It removes excess sodium and fluid from the body, reducing the amount of blood the heart has to pump.
- ACE inhibitor and Angiotensin receptor antagonist It relaxes blood vessels, making it easier for the heart to pump blood.
- beta blocker Slowing your heart rate helps your heart pump blood more easily and can prevent heart failure from worsening in the long term.
- digoxin Your heartbeat becomes stronger and can pump more blood. This drug is used in severe heart failure or when other treatments do not work.
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