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Why are measles cases increasing now?

Why are measles cases increasing now?


LThere have been cases of measles this year. Measles is a serious and highly contagious disease that can be prevented with a vaccine.79% jump In the world. Most of them were children. That trend has continued this year and threatens to reverse. Measles deaths decreased by an astonishing 73% Worldwide from 2000 to 2018.

The number of infected people is also increasing in the United States. In just his first two months of 2024, 35 items It has already been reported in 15 states, including California and Minnesota. florida, New York, Louisiana. In 2023, 58 items It was reported throughout the year.

Why are measles cases soaring? How can people protect themselves?

Reasons why measles cases are increasing

Not enough children are being vaccinated. Achieving herd immunity requires around 95% or more of the population to be vaccinated, but most countries around the world have been below that threshold for years. By 2019, 86% of children Around the world, children received one dose of the vaccine by their second birthday; It further decreased to 81%. (The measles vaccine is given in two doses: once a year and once at age 4 to 6.)

Vaccination rates are declining in the United States as well, and vaccination exemption rates are gradually increasing. CDC data show it 93% Number of kindergarten children vaccinated with measles vaccine during the 2021-22 school year

Vaccinating more children is the best way to prevent new outbreaks. This vaccine has been around since the 1960s and is given as a combination vaccine that also includes protection against mumps and rubella. One dose is 93% valid Two doses are 97% effective against measles. “The science really supports the safety and effectiveness of vaccination,” says Dr. Katherine Baumgarten, medical director of infection control and prevention at Ochsner Health in New Orleans. But he said: “We know there's a lot of mistrust about vaccines, and that's unfortunate. If vaccination rates continue to decline, we'll see more diseases that we were hoping to completely eliminate.” I will.”

how measles spreads

Measles is one of them most infectious diseases On the planet. It spreads through the air, through infectious droplets, and on surfaces. “People who haven't been exposed or vaccinated typically get infected in 90% of cases when they're exposed,” Baumgarten said. Measles can cause a rash, high fever, and even brain swelling that can be fatal.

Even if infected people have been vaccinated, they pose a particular threat to people who cannot be vaccinated, such as infants under one year of age, people with weakened immune systems due to medical conditions or transplants, and pregnant women. There is. During pregnancy, the immune system becomes more sensitive. “if [people with measles] “If you visit a doctor at a hospital for treatment and are in the waiting room with other patients, you could potentially infect others,” Baumgarten said.

Why are fewer children getting vaccinated?

Increase in vaccine refusal That's one of the reasons. The other is the new coronavirus infection (COVID-19).

The number of measles cases began to rise in 2019, but rose in 2020 when many regions of the world went into lockdown and adopted stricter public health precautions such as wearing masks and social distancing. has decreased significantly. These actions make it difficult for all viruses, including measles, to spread. Also, with the rapid rise in the number of infections in 2019, it is possible that more children around the world have developed immunity after contracting the infection, reducing the number of children who are susceptible to the disease. There is also.

However, vaccinations for children were also suspended due to the lockdown. Vaccination programs have been paused around the world as medical resources shift to controlling the pandemic. World Health Organization (WHO) Estimate In 2022, 22 million children will not receive their first dose of measles vaccine, likely due to disruptions caused by COVID-19.

Many of those children have not yet been vaccinated. Some countries have strict programs for vaccinating children at certain ages, so if your child misses a vaccination window, it may be difficult to get vaccinated later. there is. Dr. William Moss, executive director of the International Vaccine Access Center at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, said, “Globally, there are more vulnerable children, so outbreaks are likely to become larger and more frequent.'' There is a possibility that it will become.” “An outbreak requires two things: one is susceptible people, mostly children, and one is the introduction of the virus.”

Outbreaks tend to occur elsewhere, but experts remain concerned

There appears to be no endemic reservoir of the virus in the United States that could generate new infections in the United States. Most outbreaks in various states begin when people contract measles while traveling and return home.

However, this scenario remains a concern, particularly in areas where measles vaccination coverage is low due to growing anti-vaccination sentiment or religious reasons to avoid vaccination. Moss said these areas have populations that are susceptible to the measles virus and could lead to outbreaks.




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