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CDC shortens 5-day coronavirus quarantine period, updates guidance on masks and testing with new recommendations for 2024

CDC shortens 5-day coronavirus quarantine period, updates guidance on masks and testing with new recommendations for 2024


The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced Friday that it is rolling back many of its remaining guidelines, specifically targeting: COVID-19 (new coronavirus infection)Includes formal end to pandemic-era pleas to Americans please stay home for 5 days After testing positive.

The agency cited improvements in hospitalization and death rates from the virus this season as a contributing factor to the change. Its recommendations.

“While COVID-19 remains a significant public health threat, it is no longer the emergency it once was, and its health impact is increasingly similar to that of other respiratory viral diseases. ” authorities announced Friday. report Justify your decision.

Instead of providing COVID-19-specific recommendations, the agency will switch to providing an “integrated, practical approach to addressing the risks” posed by the virus alongside influenza and viruses. said. RS virusor RSV.

“We're taking this unified approach because it makes things simpler and more likely to be followed. And if it's easier and more likely to be followed, then we… So you're protecting everyone, right? So those who are more vulnerable, we put that first when we did this,” CDC Director Dr. Mandy Cohen told CBS News.

The decision came after a months-long effort that began last year to develop a new plan. “Pan-breathing” approach integrate federal recommendations for New coronavirus infection, influenza, RSV.Cohen blamed the emergence of highly mutated variants BA.2.86 The rapidly spreading offspring it produced last summer and fall; JN.1for delaying the rollout of new guidance.

“We wanted to see if this trend continued into the next respiratory phase. continued decline “Despite significant changes in the virus, hospitalizations and deaths are decreasing,” Cohen said.

The changes include new guidelines on when to stay home when sick, when to get tested for COVID-19, and when to wear a mask.

Here's the latest information on the CDC's new recommendations:

Is COVID-19 testing still recommended?

As with the flu, antiviral treatment is available for people who test positive and are at high risk of facing severe illness, but new guidance from the CDC says that anyone who has the flu should high risk should look for test When symptoms appear.

“It's still important to know what you have because if you're unwell, you may be able to get treatment. We have treatments for influenza and coronavirus. process It can also save someone's life and reduce the risk of infection. long coronavirus'' Cohen said.

For those who do not have additional Risk factor, officials say testing can be an option as an “additional prevention” strategy. Cohen said the agency will also continue to say testing is an option to “act proactively to protect those around us,” such as before visiting potentially more vulnerable populations. He said he would insist.

“If it's positive, we know you have the coronavirus, with very few false positives. But it's still possible to get a false negative. So while that may give you peace of mind, There's no guarantee that you won't have coronavirus if you're negative,'' Cohen said.

In a recent CDC study, At-home COVID-19 testing If you have a cough or cold symptoms.

He also acknowledged that patients with mild symptoms are now often not detected by home tests until they have passed their peak infectivity, given the risk of false negative results immediately after infection.

“Even when tested, COVID-19 is often not identified early in the disease; the overall sensitivity of COVID-19 antigen tests is relatively low; “It's even lower in people with mild symptoms.”

The agency's new guidelines also Previous recommendations About using test results to decide when to stop quarantine after infection.

“At-home tests for COVID-19 can give a rough estimate of whether a person is still infected, but at-home tests for other respiratory viruses are not widely available. CDC guidance during the pandemic recognized that repeated testing throughout the course of the disease is dangerous and “not practical for many people,” the agency said. To tell.

When should I wear a mask?

For people who have coronavirus disease (COVID-19) or other respiratory viruses, the CDC suggests the following: masking After they no longer stay at home, distance themselves; Improved breathability.

The agency previously suggested people wear masks for up to 10 days after they stop isolating when indoors and around other people.

many data Data from the CDC tracking COVID-19 along with other trends such as influenza and respiratory syncytial virus will also continue to be released. But certain standards that guided county-by-county recommendations about when people should wear masks to avoid getting sick are now being phased out.

“This guidance does not lead to anything.” specific color Or something like that. We're trying to give people a wide range of tools they can use to protect themselves and provide information about what's going on in their communities,” Cohen said.

Cohen emphasized that guidance for long-term care nursing homes and other health care facilities remains unchanged at this time.

It is unclear how the benchmarks will be updated for these settings. This past season, in some hospitals and other more vulnerable settings, weekly Create a map to determine when to require masks and take other precautions.

When can I go back to work after COVID-19?

a A Plea in the Pandemic Era The requirement for Americans to quarantine at home for five days if they test positive for the coronavirus is also being phased out.

Instead, the CDC recommends that sick people: symptoms respiratory virus stay at home Until the fever subsides and symptoms improve for at least 24 hours without resorting to fever-reducing medications.

The agency listed states that have already adopted this type of recommendation and said: Oregon and California, as well as other countries overseas. The experts are asked a question How often has the five-day recommendation been implemented, given hurdles such as the lack of paid sick leave?

“Importantly, states and countries that have already reduced recommended isolation periods have not seen increases in hospitalizations or deaths related to COVID-19,” the agency said.

The CDC recommends taking additional precautions for the next five days, including distancing, improving ventilation, and wearing masks, especially around vulnerable populations.

“Please keep in mind that even if you feel better, you can still spread the virus that made you sick. At this time, depending on factors such as how long you've been sick and the severity of your illness, you may not be able to spread the virus.” ”, the guidance says.




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