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Nova Scotia's top health official closely monitors measles cases

Nova Scotia's top health official closely monitors measles cases


Public health experts are tracking a rise in measles cases in European countries such as Britain, Austria and Belgium, despite widespread vaccine rollout in developed countries.

Although measles rates in Canada are currently much lower than in Europe and the United States, Dr. Robert Strang, Nova Scotia's chief medical officer of health, says people should still take steps to protect themselves and their children. It states that there is.

Dr. Strang was interviewed by CBC's Preston Mulligan. main street on monday. This interview has been edited for length and clarity.

What do you think about the surge in measles cases? Ontario and Quebec?

What happens in one part of the world affects other parts of the world. So we're monitoring this closely and we're taking steps to ensure that Nova Scotia's health system is ready and that Nova Scotians are informed of the situation and what they should be doing, especially in terms of vaccinations. is needed.

What should Nova Scotians do now?

We know that people born before 1970 have natural immunity, probably because they were exposed to measles as children. However, it is now recommended that people born after 1970 need two doses of a measles-containing vaccine to provide long-term immunity.

These are people under the age of 54 who should carefully review their vaccination information. If you have not received two doses of a measles-containing vaccine (usually MMR or MMRV for chickenpox), you are eligible. It is recommended that you get your second dose, or get your second dose if you haven't already. [vaccinations for measles]You will need to receive two doses of the vaccine, especially if you plan to travel outside of Canada for some time to come.

If you have a child between 6 and 12 months old and are traveling to an area where measles is prevalent, we recommend that you take your child to your health care provider for their first vaccination. About measles vaccine. Vaccination early does not provide long-term immunity, so she still needs to be vaccinated every 12 months and she every 18 months, but it will ensure protection during the travel period. . Young children are also most at risk. Examples of severe outcomes from measles.

So, should people born between 1970 and now get the measles vaccine if they haven't already?

Most people born after 1970 have likely received one dose of measles vaccine. If he was born after 1996, he probably has had two doses of the vaccine, but in the early 2000s, adults who had only received one dose were also given the second dose. You can now receive the vaccination.

That's why people need to check their vaccination history. If you do not have clear documentation regarding the second dose of the MMR vaccine or his MMRV vaccine, please provide documentation to confirm that you have received both doses, especially if you are planning to travel in the next few weeks. We recommend that you obtain it.Notably, this is a worldwide phenomenon, with people outside of Canada spending months at a time. It is increasing rapidly.

This is due in part to lower vaccination rates due to the impact of the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19), lack of access to medical care, and anti-vaccination sentiment in recent years.

If you have no idea whether you have been vaccinated, there is no real risk in getting another dose (if not two) of the MMR or MMRV vaccine.

Where can I get vaccinated?

If you have a primary care provider, all of them have the MMR or MMRV vaccine. He has, I think, 25 family pharmacy clinics. If you can't access either, and many Nova Scotians don't, please call your representative. local public health department If there is no other way to get vaccinated, they will find a way to help you.

Have there been any cases of measles in Nova Scotia?

This year is different. It happened a few months ago last year. That was before the worldwide revival. However, since the 1990s, measles activity has increased. What is happening now is a real spike in an increase in measles activity that has been going on for decades.

It is very important to get vaccinated because vaccinations are not just about us. If they get exposed, they get on a plane and come back to Canada, and all of a sudden, a lot of people are potentially exposed.

Measles is highly contagious. Even if you enter a room several hours after a person infected with measles has entered, you are still exposed to the virus. It's very contagious.

What is Nova Scotia doing to prepare for measles?

Last weekend, information was provided to all primary care providers in the health system about the situation, what to look out for to look for measles, and what to do in terms of testing if a clinically infected case appears. , but there are also people who are eligible for vaccination.

I know both the Nova Scotia Health Authority and the IWK are currently doing similar work with their entire staff. This is because it is critical that staff keep their measles vaccinations up to date, as infection can occur in the emergency department. Because they are infected or not fully vaccinated, they have to miss work for a period of time and have many problems at work.




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