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High-fiber gut bacteria makeover helps weight loss

High-fiber gut bacteria makeover helps weight loss


Top line:

Fiber supplements, also found in beans and other foods, may lead to weight loss and improved symptoms. insulin Irritability in people with excess weight is partially due to changes in the intestinal flora.


  • Animal studies have shown that resistant starch (RS), a type of dietary fiber, may reduce body fat along with other metabolic benefits, but human dietary studies on RS have shown that, among other things, High-fat diets are inconsistent.
  • Researchers conducted a crossover, randomized trial to study the effects of RS as a dietary supplement in 37 overweight or underweight patients. obesity (Mean age, 33.43 years, 15 women, BMI [BMI] > Waist circumference 24 or above).
  • Participants were given a similar background diet and either 40g of RS (high amylose corn) or an energy-matched placebo starch daily for 8 weeks, then switched between the two every 8 weeks.
  • The primary outcome was body weight, and secondary outcomes were visceral and subcutaneous fat mass, waist circumference, lipid profile, insulin sensitivity, metabolome, and gut microbiome.
  • The effects of RS on gut microbiota composition and function are assessed with metagenomics and metabolomics, and the effects of RS-modified gut microbiota on host body fat and glucose are transferred from selected average participants to mice. This was confirmed.


  • Participants showed an average weight loss of 2.8 kg after taking RS for 8 weeks (P < .001), and there was no significant change in weight in patients receiving placebo starch.
  • RS improved insulin sensitivity in people significantly more than placebo starch (P = .025), showed significant reductions in fat mass, waist circumference, and other obesity-related outcomes.
  • Microorganisms are abundant in the intestines Bifidobacterium adolescentis RS significantly increased after intervention, and this increase was strongly correlated with a decrease in BMI, suggesting a role for RS in reducing obesity.
  • Levels of serum pro-inflammatory cytokines, such as tumor necrosis factor alpha and interleukin-1beta, were significantly lower in participants who received RS than in those who received placebo starch.

in fact:

“Our study provides an effective dietary recommendation (40 g per day on a balanced background diet containing 25% to 30% fat) using RS as a supplement, which achieved significant weight loss. The authors commented:


This study was led and supported by the Shanghai Sixth People's Hospital, Shanghai Diabetes Clinical Center, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, Shanghai, China, and Huating Li and the University of Hong Kong. pokfulam, hong kong, and published online in natural metabolism.


This study was limited by the small sample size and strict participant inclusion criteria. The use of database-driven and taxane-based methodologies may discard difficult-to-classify sequences and ignore strain-level functional diversity. The authors also acknowledged that the results of this study need to be validated in a larger, more diverse cohort.


This research was supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China, the Shanghai Municipal Key Clinical Specialties, the National Natural Science Foundation of China, and others. The authors declared that they had no conflicts of interest.




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