US measles milestone: 59 cases so far in 2024, more than all cases in 2023
The United States now has at least 59 confirmed or suspected measles cases investigated so far this year by authorities in 17 states, which is more than the number of people infected. reported cases This comes as health authorities are grappling with multiple issues. outbreak of highly contagious virus around world.
With spring break travel fast approaching, health officials are strengthens our plea to the American people to double check whether Latest About the highly effective vaccines used to prevent measles.
CDC updated The guidance Wednesday advises Americans who are unsure whether they are fully vaccinated to see a doctor at least six weeks before traveling.
Here's what we know about the infections that have occurred so far this year.
Which states will report the most measles outbreaks in 2024?
So far this year, 17 states have reported at least one case: Arizona, California, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Louisiana, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Washington. It is carried out. case.
Illinois has reported the most measles cases in recent weeks, with Chicago reporting 12 total infections. Ten of them were residents of: immigrant shelter. A spokesperson for the city health department said the two cases are not related to the outbreak at the shelter.
CDC deployed a team He will head to Chicago on March 12 to work with the city to investigate and contain the spread of the virus and support the city's vaccination campaign.
Ten cases of the virus have also been reported in Florida this year. All but one case was reported in Broward County. Elementary schools in the Miami area report outbreak.
CDC laboratories were dispatched to help investigate the genotype of the virus behind the outbreak, which will help narrow down clues to the outbreak's origins.
Most infections nationwide are confirmed through clinical testing. Two cases remain suspected in Clermont County, Ohio, and Coconino County, Arizona.
Why will measles cases increase in 2024?
Most infections in the United States this year have been attributed to unvaccinated travelers bringing the virus home and transmitting it. Some people don't have immunity.
Measles is highly contagious and an infected person can spread the infection for four days before developing symptoms. symptoms. Symptoms often appear within 11 days after exposure.
At least six cases this year were in people who first contracted the virus overseas, according to the CDC. data Updated on Thursday.Last year ended with 13 cases. “Imported” Number of cases reported by authorities at the moment Tally From the end of December.
Parents may not know that it is recommended that infants receive the measles vaccine before traveling abroad. As early as 6 months oldofficial SaidMeanwhile, older travelers may not be aware that their destination is facing an outbreak.
The number of infected people is increasing around the world, blamed Regarding large differences in immunity in many countries due to lack of vaccination COVID-19 (new coronavirus infection) Pandemic.
record As recently as February 20, the CDC had begun investigating measles exposures on incoming international flights departing from Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Turkey, according to information obtained by CBS News through a Freedom of Information Act request.
Health officials in Georgia and California also confirmed that at least one of this year's cases was linked to travel through the Middle East. Other outbreaks in recent months have also been linked to travel to other parts of the world. like europeThe country is also facing a resurgence in infections.
However, some recent clusters are not linked to international travel.
Louisiana Department of Health Said Their case was busted in another US state this year. A spokesperson for Coconino County, Arizona, said: recent events It was not linked to recent international travel or to any other cases previously reported in the state this year.
When was the last time there was a spike in measles cases in the United States?
2022 was the year with the highest number of measles cases in the United States since the COVID-19 pandemic, with 121 cases reported in just six states.
Many of the infections in 2022 were caused by weakened immune systems in thousands of people. Evacuee Because it was airlifted from Afghanistan in the same year, mass vaccination campaign to prevent further spread.
Before the pandemic, the last peak in infections occurred in 2019, with 1,274 measles cases reported in 31 states.
This is the highest number of measles cases recorded in the United States since 1992. partially The outbreak continued for several months among New York's large, close-knit Orthodox Jewish community. other countries In the world A large-scale epidemic was also seen in the same year.
At the time, federal health officials feared the outbreak could threaten the United States. situation That means the virus has been eliminated.
Cases have since virtually disappeared across the country amid restrictive measures imposed during the first months of the COVID-19 pandemic, with the number of reported cases in 2020 hitting an all-time low. There were 13 cases.
What are the symptoms of measles?
At the earliest, about 2 weeks after first exposure to another person infected with measles symptoms At least one virus tends to be accompanied by a high fever. expert calls The “three Cs” of measles:
- cough
- A runny nose that doctors call a coryza
- The common eye that doctors call conjunctivitis
A few days after it started, characteristic rash It is caused by measles and usually starts around the face and then spreads to the upper body. Measles rashes are usually not itchy. Common complications include ear infections and diarrhea.
test Doctors are usually most sensitive to detecting measles infection at least three days after the rash begins.
Health officials say anyone concerned about possible measles should call their doctor or hospital ahead of time before visiting, considering the following situations: prevention Things that healthcare workers must take to prevent the highly contagious virus from spreading to other patients.
CDC To tell Among unvaccinated Americans, about 1 in 5 people infected with measles is hospitalized.
During the record pandemic of 2019; hospitalized patient Some suffered from a lung infection that doctors call pneumonia, while others developed encephalitis, or swelling of the brain. No deaths were reported.
Measles can be deadly, especially for young children. Before the disease was eradicated in the United States, Dissemination of vaccines Around 1960s 2-3 deaths Occurred in every 1,000 reported cases.
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