Drug therapy is associated with lower overall mortality risk
- A new study conducted in Sweden found that people taking medication for ADHD had a lower risk of death.
- Approximately 9.8% of children in the United States are diagnosed with ADHD.
- Experts say this study shows why it's important for people with ADHD symptoms to get tested and treated quickly.
New research on people with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) suggested that drug treatment of this condition is associated with lower overall mortality rates, particularly those from unnatural causes.
The study was published on March 12th.
The median age at diagnosis of ADHD was 17.4 years, but in this study, patients aged 6 to 64 years from January 1, 2007 to December 31, 2018, who had ADHD for at least 18 months They looked at people who were not taking their medication. before receiving a diagnosis.
The drugs involved in the study were six drugs approved to treat ADHD in Sweden between 2007 and 2020: methylphenidate, amphetamine, dexamphetamine, lisdexamfetamine, atomoxetine, and guanfacine.
More than half of the people surveyed in the study (84,204 people) started medication treatment within three months of being diagnosed with ADHD. 64,296 people did not take the drug within that period. The crude two-year mortality rate was almost twice as low at 17.3 per 10,000 people for those who took the drug and 31.8 per 10,000 for those who did not take it.
This result was even more pronounced for unnatural causes of death (e.g., accidental injury, suicide, accidental poisoning).
The study authors note that these findings indicate correlation, not causation, meaning they do not prove a direct relationship between these drugs and mortality.
However, the authors note that there has not been much research on this topic to date, with only three studies investigating this association.
The researchers also noted that this is the first study to “rigorously” examine the association of mortality in adults with ADHD, and that comorbidities in adults with ADHD compared with children and teenagers. It also pointed out that given the high proportion, it provides a wider frame for investigation. .
The study authors note that worldwide the prevalence of this diagnosis is 5.9% in youth and 2.5% in adults. Prevalence in the United States is estimated to be 9.8% in children and adolescents and 4.4% in adults. And those diagnosed with ADHD are “twice as likely to die prematurely” than those without, the authors say.
Dr. Thomas McLarenA member of the Royal College of Psychiatrists and a consultant psychiatrist at Re:Cognition Health Ltd. in London, who was not involved in the study, said the study found that starting treatment for ADHD can improve overall health. He told Healthline that the above benefits are clearly shown.
“This could further encourage people with ADHD to talk to their doctors about ADHD medications and to think more about long-term improvements to their general health and well-being, not just treating ADHD symptoms. Yes,” McLaren said. He added that it is still unclear exactly how these drugs directly contribute to reducing mortality. “Because ADHD can be associated with poor physical health, self-care, and even drug and alcohol use in some people, controlling symptoms with appropriate medications can indirectly improve health. It may lead to.”
Dr. Leonard AdlerThe director of NYU Langone Health's adult ADHD program, who was not involved in the study, told Healthline that the strength of the study lies in the number of people tested, the duration, and the ability to examine the potential effects of drugs. . . However, data on how specific drugs contributed to lower mortality rates were difficult to obtain.
“This study did not specifically differentiate between drugs approved for ADHD; they were either stimulants or non-stimulants,” Adler said. “Also, as the authors point out, we cannot simply attribute all of these potential changes to the drug. There may be lifestyle changes that contribute to some of these effects. It is possible that you did.”
Professor Adler said that although this study is limited in terms of causality and differences between drugs, it provides evidence behind the benefits of ADHD treatment and is important for people with ADHD and those concerned about ADHD. He said it should be encouraging for people.
“The important thing here is to properly emphasize whether people who are worried that they have ADHD need to get a diagnosis and receive appropriate treatment. Because we can,” Adler said. “We would like to see additional information about potential differences between the drugs and the potential need for longer-term observation of treatment effects.”
McLaren said more research is needed into the many factors surrounding ADHD drugs, including lifestyle changes other than drug therapy.
“It would be good to take this further in clinical trials for ADHD to answer questions about whether it directly reduces the risk of developing certain health conditions. And to make comparisons between different treatment regimens. “It's about correcting for 'confounders,' including people who may lead healthier lifestyles,” McLaren said. “Whether there are two similar people with the same lifestyle, whether one of them is less likely to die if they take ADHD medication, or whether there are other undiscovered benefits. I want to know.”
A large study of about 150,000 people diagnosed with ADHD in Sweden suggested that people taking ADHD medication had lower overall mortality rates.
This is one of the first studies to examine the role of ADHD in mortality in adults, who often have more ADHD-related comorbidities than children and teens.
The study is associative rather than causal, meaning there is no direct link between specific drugs and lower mortality rates.
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