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Prime Minister emphasizes strict rabies prevention and control

Prime Minister emphasizes strict rabies prevention and control
Prime Minister emphasizes strict rabies prevention and control


A dog in Phuong Tho, Lai Chau province, is vaccinated against rabies. — VNA/VNS Photo Dinh Thuy

HOI NOI — Prime Minister Phan Minh Trinh has set up a task force with direct responsibility to inspect areas with low rabies vaccination rates for dogs and cats and areas with high numbers of rabies deaths and encourage expanded vaccination coverage. instructed local governments to do so.

On March 14, the Prime Minister issued Directive No. 22/CĐ-TTg on the intensive implementation of rabies prevention and control measures.

Despite the Prime Minister's Directive No. 11/CT-TTg of April 2023 strengthening emergency measures for the prevention and control of rabies, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD) and reported 82 rabies deaths in the city. 674,888 people were bitten by animals, an increase of 45 per cent from 2022, with the majority caused by other animals such as dogs (80 per cent), cats (18 per cent), monkeys, rats and bats. was.

In the first two months of 2024, 18 rabies-related deaths occurred in 14 states and cities, an increase of nine compared to the same period in 2023. Nearly 70,000 people required rabies preventive treatment during this period, an 11% increase in comparison. In particular, in a recent incident in Quang Ninh province, a rabid dog bit 14 students and teachers at a school.

In order to reduce the risk of a sudden increase in rabies cases and ensure the safety of the population, the Prime Minister urged local people's committees and institutions to diligently implement rabies prevention and control measures in line with the Veterinary Law and the Infectious Disease Control Law. asked to do so.

Efforts should specifically target the removal of wild animals that pose a serious threat to public safety, especially wild dogs and cats.

According to the Prime Minister, the chairpersons of provincial and municipal People's Committees should take action against heads of groups, individuals and institutions at all levels who are subjective and neglect to direct rabies prevention and control work, especially in areas with high rabies outbreaks. We have a responsibility to treat them strictly. Cases of rabies deaths (Gia Lai, Di Klak, Binh Phuong Qu, Ben Tre, Nguan, Diyen Bien, etc.), as well as Binh Dinh and Quang Nam, areas where the rabies vaccination rate is less than 10% of the total number of dogs, such as Quang Binh and Phu Giang.

The Prime Minister also called on local governments to set up task forces with direct responsibility for testing and encouraging areas with low rabies vaccination rates for dogs and cats, or areas with high rabies deaths. Perform rabies vaccinations and management services, and manage dog and cat populations.

MARD is responsible for leading and coordinating national communication campaigns on dog, cat, and other animal control to raise awareness of rabies prevention measures. In collaboration with international partners, testing teams will be established to oversee rabies prevention in high-risk areas. Additionally, MARD will review and recommend legislative reforms to improve law enforcement and address issues such as uncontrolled wandering dogs and cats.

The Ministry of Health is responsible for annually synthesizing the results of rabies prevention and control efforts for both humans and animals and, where appropriate, providing timely advice and suggesting measures for the prevention and control of rabies. there is.

Pursuant to this directive, the Prime Minister directed the Ministry of Health to supervise specialized local governments and departments regarding technical guidance, organizational matters, implementation, testing, and monitoring of rabies vaccines and human rabies immune serum.

The Ministry of Education and Training is mandated to work with and guide ministries and local authorities to develop and implement educational campaigns on rabies prevention and control in schools.

The Ministry of Information and Communications will guide media outlets, media outlets, central radio stations and local broadcasting systems to implement a wide range of initiatives aimed at increasing public awareness and responsibility regarding the management of dogs, cats and other animals, including vaccination. Our mission is to carry out effective communication activities. and rabies prevention and control.

The Ministry of Public Security, in cooperation with provincial People's Committees and centrally run municipalities, will proactively monitor the situation and promptly respond to cases where dog owners do not comply with regulations regarding dog breeding and management, resulting in serious consequences. The plan is to investigate the matter and take strict action.

Government agencies will supervise and encourage the implementation of the Directive in accordance with their functions and assigned responsibilities. —VNS




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