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Researchers develop new method to repair lining of brain and spinal cord

Researchers develop new method to repair lining of brain and spinal cord




Researchers at Ohio State Wexner Medical Center have helped develop a strong adhesive used to prevent fluid leakage after brain surgery.Credit: Wexner Medical Center

Patients who need surgery to repair their brains and spinal cords may have better outcomes thanks to new research from Wexner Medical Center.

Researchers recently developed a more durable method of repairing the lining of the brain and spinal cord using a strong adhesive hydrogel called Dural Tough Adhesive (DTA). This helps address fluid leakage that may occur when repairing the dural lining after surgery. According to study author Dr. Kyle Wu, assistant professor of neurosurgery at The Ohio State University, prior to the development of DTA, options for dural repair were limited, with surgeons either using sutures or inserting a graft. It is said that there was only one.

“The adhesive allows the durable gel to stick to tissue, even on wet surfaces,” Wu said. “This is important information because most surgical adhesives do not stick to wet surfaces.”

The dura mater, also known as the “dura mater,” is the outermost layer of the meningeal layer, the three tissue layers that line the central nervous system, including the brain and spinal cord. Wexner Medical Center Press Release.

The dura also contains cerebrospinal fluid, which surrounds all central nervous system tissues, nourishes them, removes waste products, and protects the brain. National Institutes of Health. Injury or brain surgery can result in fluid leakage, which can threaten a patient's life, neurological function, and recovery if infections such as meningitis or complications such as brain hemorrhage occur.

Wu said that when surgeons need to perform brain surgery due to a brain tumor or stroke, they must cut through the dura mater, but if the dura mater is damaged or damaged, it can be difficult to repair. .

Although DTA's durable gel itself is stretchy, its adhesive strength is very strong and allows it to stick to tissue. This is something that does not exist in today's usage environment, Wu said.

“Essentially, this allows us to do things that we couldn't do before,” Wu said. “This strong adhesive is a platform technology that can be used in a variety of applications including dental indications, vascular, and cardiac.”

The technology was developed by a joint team of bioengineers from Harvard's Wyss Institute, Harvard's John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, and neurosurgeons from Brigham and Women's Hospital and The Ohio State University, the magazine said. It is said that Wexner Medical Center Press Release.

Dr. David Mooney, a Wyss Institute faculty member and professor of bioengineering at Harvard University, led the research team. He said he is excited that his team brings a new perspective to neurosurgeons that can “facilitate a variety of surgical interventions and lower risk for patients who require them,” according to the release. .

For Wu, DTA represents an exciting breakthrough in surgical technology that makes restorative procedures more effective.

“Essentially, this combines the best properties of all current repair technologies, allowing for more precise placement and stronger adhesive repair,” Wu said.

It also prevents patients from returning to the operating room due to postoperative spinal fluid leaks or infections, reducing the cost and the emotional burden of reoperation on patients, Wu said. The technology was developed in collaboration with doctors and researchers, and has also allowed developers to find other ways to apply his DTA to other surgical procedures.

“this is, [the] Basic scientists, translational scientists, and clinicians,” Wu said. “We are working together on this issue and believe that healthcare professionals should engage in this type of collaboration more often to move things forward for patients.”




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