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CDC warns of rare but deadly bacterial infections on the rise

CDC warns of rare but deadly bacterial infections on the rise


A doctor wearing scrubs speaks to a patient wearing a gray sweatshirt.Share on Pinterest
The CDC issued a warning about a type of bacterial infection that can cause meningitis.Mascot/Getty Images
  • The CDC has issued a health news alert announcing an increase in cases of invasive meningococcal disease in the United States.
  • Symptoms caused by this strain include fever, chills, rapid breathing, dizziness, and joint infections.
  • Experts said health care workers should be on the lookout for symptoms that could be consistent with meningitis, bloodstream infections and septic arthritis.

The CDC recently health advisory warned the public last week about an increase in intruders. meningococcal disease In the United States. Health officials believe the increase is due to a specific type of bacteria.

That bacterium is called Neisseria meningitidis. The specific type of this bacterium is a serogroup Y strain called ST-1466.

This strain occurs primarily in people aged 30 to 60 years (65%), black or African American people (63%), and people infected with HIV (15%).

The CDC reported that the highest number of annual cases of invasive meningococcal disease occurred in 2023, with 422 cases. They estimate that the number of infections will continue to rise in 2024.

The majority of cases of invasive meningococcal infection caused by ST-1466 in 2023 had symptoms other than meningitis, including: Bacteremia or bacteria in the blood or septic arthritis, which is an infection of the joints.

“Invasive meningococcal disease is a rare infection, but when it occurs, it can be very serious. Typically, even if the patient receives appropriate antibiotic treatment immediately, approximately 15% of people die.” Dr. Marcus Pereira, assistant professor of medicine and infectious disease specialist at Columbia University Valléros College of Physicians and Surgeons. “Unfortunately, the mortality rate with this particular strain is about 18%, so that's a growing concern.”

Experts say it is dangerous because of its rapid onset and potentially severe symptoms.

“If not treated promptly, it can cause meningitis, sepsis, vascular damage, and even death. The disease progresses rapidly and can cause serious complications, so Early detection and treatment are key.” Hannah Newman, MPHSenior Director of Infection Prevention Northwell Lenox Hill Hospitalsaid.

Infections most commonly associated with bacteria Neisseria meningitidis It's meningitis. According to Pereira, the condition causes symptoms such as:

  • headache
  • fever
  • confusion
  • Stiff shoulder
  • nausea
  • Sensitivity to bright light and noise

However, it is important to note that “most of the cases caused by this particular strain, ST-1466, had infections other than meningitis, including bloodstream infections,” Pereira said. explained.

This includes fever, chills, rapid breathing, dizziness, or a joint infection, also known as septic arthritis, which usually involves pain and swelling in the joints.

“Even with treatment, it is important to seek treatment if you develop symptoms suggestive of meningitis, as this is a fatal disease. These include fever, stiff shoulders, headaches, , changes in mental status, etc. Please note a few things: Symptoms can rapidly progress to a life-threatening condition, so early administration of antibiotics is important.” Dr. Scott Robertsassistant professor and associate medical director of infection prevention at Yale University School of Medicine.

Meningococcus is usually spread from person to person through close contact, especially the exchange of respiratory and throat droplets.

“This usually occurs through coughing, sneezing, cohabitation, kissing, etc. Several epidemiological groups are investigating the causes of this particular increase in cases from 2023 onwards,” Pereira said. “At this time, it is unclear what is leading to the increase in cases of this particular strain.”

Certain groups appear to have epidemiological links.

“The increase in cases appears to be epidemiologically linked to certain groups, where we are seeing disproportionate increases,” Roberts said. “These include people between the ages of 30 and 60, people who are black or African American, and people with HIV. Certain communities may have more strains circulating, which could be the reason for the increase. It may be.”

Experts stress that eligible people should get vaccinated against meningococcal disease.this It contains The vaccine is open to all 11- to 12-year-olds, who will receive a booster shot at age 16, as well as adults who are at higher risk due to medical conditions (such as HIV).

“A significant proportion of cases in this outbreak have occurred in individuals who were not up to date with vaccine recommendations, and vaccination efforts have been extremely slow, especially among vulnerable and high-risk groups,” Newman said. It emphasizes the importance of this.”

For those most at risk, it's important to understand: Neisseria Neisseria meningitidis Anyone can become infected, but a person's risk can vary depending on their age, medical condition, medications, where they work, live and travel, Newman explained.

“Infants, adolescents, people living in group settings (dormitories, etc.), people with weakened immune systems, people with HIV, complement component deficiencies, or people taking medications to treat meningococcus, and people with meningococcus. “Certain factors can increase the risk of contracting the disease, such as people traveling to areas where the disease is endemic,” Newman said.

“Healthcare providers should strongly suspect meningitis if symptoms suggestive of meningitis occur and should begin administering antibiotics that penetrate the central nervous system as soon as possible.” said Dr. Roberts.

Dr. Pereira agreed that health care providers should be on the lookout for symptoms that may be consistent with meningitis, bloodstream infections, and septic arthritis.

“If there is reasonable concern, a culture should be taken and antibiotics should be started immediately. Fortunately, this particular strain is highly effective against invasive meningococcal disease. It has been found to be susceptible to all first-line antibiotics that are normally recommended,” Pereira said.

Cases of invasive meningococcal disease are on the rise in the United States, according to a health news alert issued by the CDC.

The increase in the number of infections is due to a specific bacteria called. Neisseria meningitidis. The bacterial strain involved is a serogroup Y strain called ST-1466, health officials reported.

Symptoms of nervousness include fever, chills, rapid breathing, dizziness, or a joint infection, also known as septic arthritis, which usually involves joint pain and swelling.

Experts recommend that healthcare workers should be on the lookout for symptoms that may be consistent with meningitis, bloodstream infections, and septic arthritis.




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