CDC warns measles surge poses 'new threat' to eradication statusExBulletin

So far in 2024, more than 80% of measles cases have involved people who have not been vaccinated or whose vaccination status is unknown, according to CDC data.
Elaine Thompson/Associated Press
Elaine Thompson/Associated Press
So far in 2024, more than 80% of measles cases have involved people who have not been vaccinated or whose vaccination status is unknown, according to CDC data.
Elaine Thompson/Associated Press
A surge in measles cases, largely due to people not being vaccinated, poses a “new threat” to the 2000 declaration that the highly contagious airborne disease has been eradicated in the United States. There is.
“The U.S. measles elimination status will continue to be threatened by increasing global measles incidence and decreasing global, national, and regional measles vaccination coverage,” the CDC said. in report It was released on Thursday. Elimination status means the disease is no longer consistently present in the country.
So far this year, more than 120 people have been infected with measles in the country, according to the government. CDC data. This is more than double the number reported for all of last year.
“The rapid increase in the number of measles cases reported in the first quarter of 2024 indicates a new threat to elimination,” the CDC said.
The agency added that widespread measles spread in the United States remains unlikely given the country's “high population immunity.” But the rise in cases is especially dangerous for infants and under-vaccinated areas.
Increase in number of measles cases occurs after 5 years The highest level in over 20 years. In 2019, the CDC tallied more than 1,200 cases in 31 states, most of them in areas with insufficient vaccination coverage. new york state.
Measles is also on the rise worldwide.According to the World Health Organization, approximately 9 million In 2022, it increased by 18% from 2021. The number of deaths in 2022 increased by 43% compared to the previous year.
CDC data content
almost half of the cases So far this year, the cases have involved children under the age of five. Nearly a third of her cases occurred from adults over the age of 20.
Cases are usually associated with people with a history of international travel. But vaccine skepticism and communities with low vaccination rates are also contributing to the surge.
According to CDC data, more than 80% Some of this year's cases involved people who had not been vaccinated or whose vaccination status was unknown. Approximately 13% cases included people who had received only one dose of measles vaccine. Public health officials recommend two doses.
As of April 4, 17 states have recorded cases, with Illinois and Florida having the most cases.
Why are measles outbreaks dangerous?
Symptoms of measles include fever, cough, runny nose, white spots inside the mouth, and a rash that spreads all over the body. Most cases are mild, but in some cases it can lead to brain swelling, pneumonia, and death.
What is dangerous about measles is how contagious it is. If an infected person coughs indoors, 90% A percentage of the unvaccinated people in the room could get sick.
federal health officials Recommendation to All children should receive two doses of measles vaccine. The first time is when she is 12 to 15 months old and the second time when she is 4 to 6 years old.
The CDC says adults planning international travel and women considering pregnancy should check their vaccination status.
What will it take for the U.S. to lose measles-free status?
died from the disease before a vaccine was introduced hundreds of In the United States, most children become ill before the age of 15. All that changed in 1963, when a vaccine became available.
In 2000, measles was declared eliminated from the United States.This means measles is no longer an “always present” condition, according to the CDC Said. But the U.S. risks losing its exclusion status if the measles outbreak continues for more than a year, the agency added.
Dr. Alison Bartlett, a professor of pediatrics at the University of Chicago School of Medicine, told NPR. Weekend edition Saturday He said the rising number of infections was a “very serious wake-up call.”
“This is a disease that is very, very preventable through vaccination. But it requires a very high level of vaccination,” Bartlett said earlier this month.
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