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What starts early and lasts long? Allergy season.

What starts early and lasts long? Allergy season.
What starts early and lasts long? Allergy season.


The weather is finally warm and the weather is perfect, with temperatures often exceeding 60 degrees. However, being outdoors can also make you sneeze more often, make you want to rub your eyes, and make it difficult to breathe.

It's allergy season. Every spring and summer, 25% to 30% of Americans experience allergy symptoms due to their surrounding environment. And as winters are getting warmer and shorter, Allergy season starts early And allergens become stronger.

Signal Cleveland will discuss why plants and trees have such a cruel effect on us during the warmest months of the year, and what we can do to alleviate some of these symptoms. I spoke with a specialist, Dr. Samuel Friedlander.

Friedlander also recommended checking it out. This interactive pollen allergy mapThis allows you to filter by state and allergen type to see what types of allergens are present in Northeast Ohio.

This interview has been edited for brevity and clarity.

What is allergy season? Why do allergies get worse at this time of year?

Certain people are more prone to allergic symptoms. This has to do with the interaction between our genetics and the environment. Some people have allergies all year round, while others have seasonal allergies. That is, people who are sensitized or allergic to pollen.

Currently, tree pollen is floating around, causing distressing symptoms for many allergy sufferers, including itchy eyes, sneezing, runny noses, and stuffy noses. Grass pollen comes later in the season. The tree season is from March to May. And the grass season is approximately from May to July. Additionally, from August to September, pollen from weeds such as ragweed also comes into the air. It all depends on the interaction between our genetics and exposure.

Is allergy season getting worse in Northeast Ohio?

I realized that spring is coming early. So, unfortunately, it looks like pollen season is coming earlier, a little longer, and perhaps more intense than in the past.

What can people do to manage their symptoms?

There are three common ways to treat allergies: avoidance, medication, allergy shots or allergy immunotherapy.

Medicines include over-the-counter medicines and prescription medicines. This may include oral medications, eye drops, nasal sprays, etc.

Allergies can affect asthma, so it could be asthma medication. It could also be skin medications, since allergies can affect the skin.

Allergy shots strengthen your immune system and prevent your body from reacting to allergens in the first place.

How can an allergy doctor help?

It may be helpful to consult an allergist or family doctor to discuss your symptoms. They can advise you on the best way to treat your symptoms and help you decide whether over-the-counter or prescription medications will be most helpful.

A board-certified allergist like myself will also perform the test. Test and diagnose if you have an allergy to trees or grass. And it helps fine-tune available treatments.

Also check to see if there is anything else going on that could mimic an allergy. Healthcare providers can then develop a treatment plan to best manage the patient.




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