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Hot food: 7 summer-friendly foods to beat the heat and nourish your body | Health

Hot food: 7 summer-friendly foods to beat the heat and nourish your body | Health
Hot food: 7 summer-friendly foods to beat the heat and nourish your body | Health


intense heat wave In regions such as Odisha, West Bengal, Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh, and Tamil Nadu, maximum temperatures are many degrees higher than normal, reaching 40 to 45 degrees Celsius. It remains stable across the range and severe weather continues in many parts of the country. Heat waves, periods of unusually hot weather, can even be fatal to humans if exposed.When combined with high humidity, the health effects are doubled. According to experts, the best strategy to survive these weather conditions is to stay hydrated and avoid heat exposure, especially during peak times. (Also read: 10 fruits to keep you hydrated and healthy through the heatwave)

Heat wave warning! Extreme heat can lead to dehydration, skin irritation, sunburn, and even heatstroke in extreme conditions.  (Freepik)
Heat wave warning! Extreme heat can lead to dehydration, skin irritation, sunburn, and even heatstroke in extreme conditions. (Freepik)

intense heat It affects our body's functions and can affect the heart, kidneys, lungs, liver, and all vital body organs. Extreme heat can lead to dehydration, skin irritation, sunburn, and even heat stroke under extreme conditions. To combat the sweltering summer heat, your body works hard to cool down. Losing water in the form of sweat can also deplete electrolytes in your body. In order to stay healthy during the summer, make sure to get enough rest and refresh your body.

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Nutrition is the most important thing to relieve the heat and cool your body. You'll never run out of seasonal fruits, vegetables, and herbs to keep you hydrated and help manage your core body temperature.

Cool food to fight heatwaves

Dr. Vanita Arora, Senior Consultant Cardiac Electrophysiologist and Interventional Cardiologist at Apollo Hospitals, Delhi, shares foods that help you fight the scorching summer heat in an interview with HT Digital.

“While most people focus on cooling their bodies from the outside, it's the body's internal temperature that plays an essential role in our health. The good news is that there are quick solutions for body temperature in the kitchen. There are treatments that can be even more effective: protect yourself from the heat,” says Dr. Arora.

Dr. Arora suggests some summer foods to include as part of your daily diet to beat the heat.

1.Watermelon: This juicy and refreshing fruit is a summer staple across India. Watermelon is approximately 92% water, making it an excellent food for hydration. It also contains the antioxidant lycopene, which magically protects your skin from UV damage. Enjoy sliced ​​or blended with basil leaves and lemon for a fun summer snack.

2. Beetroot and carrots: A classic combo for all types of heat. Due to its high nutritional value and detoxifying properties, it removes heat from the body, neutralizes temperature and suppresses digestion. You can eat it sliced ​​or mix apples and gooseberries to make a delicious juice.

3. Cucumber: Another household staple for hydration, cucumbers are crunchy, refreshing, and very low in calories. It is made up of approximately 95% water, making it ideal for hydrating in the summer. Cucumbers also contain vitamins K and C, which contribute to bone health and immunity. Slice it into a light salad with your meal or dip it into hummus for a healthy snack.

4.Mint: This herb not only adds fresh flavor to dishes, but also has multiple cooling effects. When consumed regularly, mint can also help relieve indigestion and relieve body heat. You can add fresh mint leaves to your salads, iced tea, or infuse your water to consume regularly. You can also use mint to make homemade mint sorbet. This is a fun and cool dessert.

5. Coconut water: A natural energy drink, coconut water is rich in electrolytes such as potassium and magnesium, which are essential for hydration. It's an easy way to replenish water and minerals lost through summer sweat. Drinking chilled coconut water will leave you feeling satisfied and hydrated.

6. Salad: It's a good idea to eat a salad every day with lots of hydrating vegetables like lettuce and tomatoes, and leafy greens like kale and spinach. These vegetables have a high water content and are rich in vitamins and minerals. Make your salad a complete meal by adding a protein source like grilled chicken or chickpeas.

7. Raw food snacks: If you want to make a quick and cool snack, choose raw options like sliced ​​peppers, carrots, and celery sticks. These crunchy snacks are hydrating and provide a satisfying crunch. Pair it with yogurt-based dips or hummus for an extra boost of flavor and nutrition.

Incorporating these summer foods into your daily diet will not only keep you cool and hydrated, but will also provide essential nutrients to support your overall health during the hot months.




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