How aspirin can help lower your risk
- Aspirin has been shown to prevent colorectal cancer.
- New research says it may do this by enhancing the body's ability to detect cancer cells.
- Although aspirin is not suitable for everyone, it may be most beneficial for those at risk for CVD.
- Lifestyle choices can also affect risk For colorectal cancer.
- Early detection through regular examinations makes colorectal cancer easier to treat.
in the investigation,
But one thing that's still unclear is how aspirin prevents colorectal cancer.
The main defense mechanism is thought to be the inhibition of enzymes that maintain proinflammatory signals, such as prostaglandin endoperoxide synthase 1 (COX-1) and prostaglandin endoperoxide synthase 2 (COX-2) .
However, there are several other interrelated mechanisms that remain to be elucidated.
according to new research Published in magazine on April 22, 2024 cancer, One of these mechanisms may be to strengthen certain aspects of the immune system.
To learn more about how aspirin prevents infection colorectal cancerResearchers in Italy examined tissue samples from 238 people who had undergone surgery for colorectal cancer.
They identified 12% of these patients as aspirin users.
They then compared tissue samples from cancer patients who used aspirin and those who did not.
Cancer was reduced in people who used aspirin. metastasizes to lymph nodes and increases the infiltration of immune cells into the tumor.
Additionally, when researchers exposed colorectal cancer cells to aspirin in the lab, they observed increased expression of a protein called CD80 on certain immune cells.
According to the study authors, this amplified the ability of other immune cells to signal the presence of proteins associated with cancer cells.
They also found higher CD80 expression in healthy rectal issues of rectal cancer patients. This finding suggests that aspirin creates an environment in which the immune system is alert to cancer cells.
Principal Investigator of this study — Dr. Marco Scarpa M.D., Ph.D., University of Padova — Learn more. press release Aspirin absorption in the rectum tends to be less than in other parts of the colon.
“So if we want to take advantage of its effects against colorectal cancer, we need to think about how to ensure that aspirin reaches the colorectal tract at the right dose to be effective,” he said. Ta.
The researchers say one of the main limitations of this study is the fact that it is retrospective and observational, meaning it looks back in time to see what happened in the past. It is written.
According to the authors, this made it impossible to analyze how long people were taking aspirin before being diagnosed with cancer.
Furthermore, the researchers found that aspirin use was self-reported and was obscured by the fact that in some cases people may have taken aspirin in the past but stopped using it before being admitted to the hospital for cancer treatment. He pointed out that it was.
Kubanich Takirbashev, MD, Health and Wellness Advisor NaoHe, who was not involved in the study, said that because it was not a controlled clinical trial (in which one group received the treatment being studied and another comparison group received a sham treatment), confounding variables and bias were introduced. He commented that there is a possibility that
Confounding variables are uncontrolled variables that can cause the observed effects. Biases can lead to imbalances and erroneous results.
“In addition, the mechanisms underlying aspirin's potential effects on the immune system's response to cancer cells require further elucidation through detailed molecular and cellular studies,” Takirbashev said.
“Before considering aspirin as a preventative measure against cancer or other diseases, individuals should be aware of the potential risks and side effects associated with its use,” Takirbashev said.
Long-term use of aspirin may increase the risk of gastrointestinal bleedingulcers and other complications, he said.
This is especially true for people with a history of gastrointestinal problems or bleeding disorders.
“Additionally, aspirin can interact with other medications and may not be suitable for everyone, so you should consult your health care professional before starting aspirin treatment. ” said Takirbashev.
Chris McDermottCertified Advanced Practice Certified Nurse Coast-to-coast consulting and life care planning“Beyond aspirin, lifestyle choices also play an important role,” he said, although he was not involved in the study.
First of all, it is important to get tested regularly. precancerous polyp Early on, he said.
US Department of Health and Human Services
However, if you have a family history of colorectal cancer, you may want to get tested sooner.
The agency says early detection makes it easier to treat the disease.
Instead of colonoscopyYour doctor uses a scope to look directly inside your colon and rectum, and you may only need to provide a stool sample. for analysis If you have an average risk of developing colorectal cancer.
McDermott added that it's also important to eat a diet rich in fiber, fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.
acquisition regular exerciseyour moderation alcohol consumptionavoiding smoking can also reduce risk.
Finally, you should find out if anyone in your family has had this disease. “Genetic factors are important, so be aware of your family's history of cancer,” McDermott concluded.
Studies have shown that taking low-dose aspirin regularly can help prevent colorectal cancer.
A new study has found that one way this benefit could be achieved is by enhancing the immune system's ability to detect cancer cells.
Experts say aspirin is not suitable for everyone because the risks may outweigh the benefits. Patients at risk for CVD are suitable candidates. However, if you have a history of gastrointestinal problems or bleeding disorders, it may not be suitable for you.
Other ways to reduce risk include: eat healthyexercise, drink alcohol in moderation, and avoid smoking.
It's also important to know your family's medical history and get tested for colorectal cancer on the recommended schedule.
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