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New study shows 'deep' link between dietary choices and brain health

New study shows 'deep' link between dietary choices and brain health


New research has revealed a deep link between dietary choices and brain health.

was announced on Nature, research has shown that a healthy, balanced diet is associated with better brain health, cognitive function, and mental well-being. The study, involving researchers from the University of Warwick, reveals how our food preferences not only influence our physical health, but also have a huge impact on our brain health.

The dietary choices of a large sample of 181,990 participants from the UK Biobank were analyzed against a variety of physical assessments including cognitive function, blood metabolic biomarkers, brain imaging, and genetics to determine nutritional outcomes. New insights into the relationship between health and overall health have been uncovered. .

Each participant's food preferences were collected through an online questionnaire, which the team categorized into 10 groups (alcohol, fruit, meat, etc.). A type of AI called machine learning has helped researchers analyze large datasets.

A balanced diet was associated with improved mental health, better cognitive function, and even an increase in the amount of gray matter in the brain, which is associated with intelligence, compared to a less varied diet.

The study also highlighted the need for gradual dietary modifications, especially for those accustomed to highly palatable but nutrient-poor foods. By slowly reducing sugar and fat intake over time, a person may find that they naturally gravitate toward healthier food choices.

Scientists say genetic factors may also contribute to the link between diet and brain health, showing how a combination of genetic predisposition and lifestyle choices shapes well-being. I believe.

Lead author Professor Jianfeng Feng from the University of Warwick highlighted the importance of establishing healthy eating preferences early in life. “Fostering a healthy balanced diet from an early age is critical to healthy development. To promote the development of a healthy balanced diet, families and schools should “We need to provide high-quality, diverse meals and foster an environment that supports children's physical health and health.” mental health. “

Professor Fenn noted the broader implications of the research and highlighted the role of public policy in promoting accessible, affordable and healthy food options. “Food choices can be influenced by socio-economic status, so it is important to ensure that this does not prevent individuals from adopting a healthy and balanced dietary profile,” he said. . “Implementing affordable and nutritious food policies is essential for governments to enable the public to make informed and healthier dietary choices, thereby promoting overall public health.” It is.”

Co-author Wei Cheng from Fudan University said: “Our findings highlight the link between dietary patterns and brain health, increasing nutritional awareness and improving nutrition among diverse populations. “Concerted efforts are required to promote healthy eating habits,” he added.

Dr. Richard Pemberton, a board certified lifestyle physician and general practitioner at Hexagon Health who was not involved with the stallion, said: “This exciting research shows how poor diet can affect our physical health. “This study further proves that it not only has negative effects on mental and brain health, but also on mental and brain health.” We support the need for urgent government action to optimize children's health and protect future generations, ensuring that we all make better lifestyle choices, improve health and reduce the incidence of chronic disease. We hope this provides further evidence to motivate you to reduce your risk. ”




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