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American man infected with flesh-eating bacteria after walking barefoot on the beach

American man infected with flesh-eating bacteria after walking barefoot on the beach


American man infected with flesh-eating bacteria after walking barefoot on the beach

Doctors gave Mr. Norman a bomb diagnosis.

For Brent Norman of Charleston, South Carolina, a daily walk on the beach turned into a health scare. An avid walker, he is known for regular walks of over 15,000 steps and frequently explores the coastline between Sullivan's Island and the Isle of Palms. But during a normal routine last week, a seemingly harmless misstep on a shell caused serious complications, hidden by low visibility caused by high tide.

“The tide was pretty high so unfortunately I stepped on some shells,” he told a local news station. WCIV. “I grew up on the beach all my life and probably stepped on over 10,000 seashells.”

Over the next few days, Mr. Norman reported experiencing progressive pain emanating from his leg. He characterized the discomfort as rapidly worsening to the point where it felt like a nail was being driven into the affected area.

After weeks of pain and swelling in his leg, he said, “I just couldn't walk anymore.”

By Thursday, Norman's legs were clearly uneasy and he was rushed to the emergency room. Upon arrival, medical staff quickly responded and addressed the situation.

“Everyone's eyes behind the check-in counter were about twice as big as normal,” he said. “I could tell people were uncomfortable sitting around me watching it.”

After examining Norman's feet, doctors made a bombshell diagnosis: he had Vibriosis, a disease caused by the Vibrio bacteria. independent person report.

”[The nurse] “They made a hole with a scalpel and removed the debris, then they gave me an antibiotic shot and I also prescribed tablets, which I have been taking for two weeks,” he said.

The same media reported that Norman likely contracted a salt-tolerant bacteria infection from stepping on a shell in the ocean.

Vibrio bacteria can cause a variety of infections, some of which can progress to necrotizing fasciitis, a serious condition that kills tissue around an open wound. There are 12 identified Vibrio species, but the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) highlights only one species as being of particular concern due to its carnivorous properties.

The public health agency said the bacteria is responsible for “an estimated 80,000 illnesses and 100 deaths in the United States each year.”

According to the CDC, most Vibrio infections are caused by ingesting raw or undercooked seafood or by exposing open wounds to seawater. The risk is highest during the warm season, usually from May to October.

Despite this harrowing experience, Norman maintains his love for the beach and plans to return once his leg is fully healed.




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