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Federal experts discuss bird flu 'what if' at WebMD live event

Federal experts discuss bird flu 'what if' at WebMD live event
Federal experts discuss bird flu 'what if' at WebMD live event


May 16, 2024 – Multiple U.S. government agencies announce that they are working to prevent further spread to humans (beyond the single case reported in early April) and to prevent further spread to humans before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. , is working to contain the recent avian influenza outbreak among cattle to leverage what has been learned post-pandemic. To protect the safety of farm workers and the general public.

fingers crossed, Avian influenza It will be contained and disappear. Alternatively, the infection could continue to spread among dairy cows and other animals, threatening the health and livelihoods of farmers and livestock handlers.

Or the virus could change in a way that makes it easier to infect and spread between people. The worst-case scenario could be a new influenza pandemic.

With so many unknowns, WebMD brought together experts from four federal agencies to discuss prevention, surveillance, and what the “what ifs” of avian influenza might look like.

“Communicating with the public about what we know, what we don't know, and how you and your family can stay safe,” said Nirav D. Shah, M.D., J.D., chief deputy director at the CDC. It is a priority for us at the CDC.” . “We are responding at the federal level and we hope the public will follow suit.”

For the latest information, please visit the CDC, FDA, United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), and Office of Strategic Preparedness and Response (ASPR) websites.

In addition to staying up-to-date with the latest information, it's important to look for reliable sources of information, Shah said at the online briefing, “Avian Flu 2024 – What You Need to Know,” co-sponsored by the CDC and WebMD.

“Experimental hamburger”

If there was one message to take away from this event, it was that the threat to the general public remains low.

Although the retail milk supply is safe, consuming raw or unpasteurized milk is not recommended. “While commercial milk supplies are safe, we strongly recommend against drinking raw milk,” said Donald A. Prater, DVM, acting director of the FDA's Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition.

As for other foods, fully cooked eggs are less risky than raw eggs, and the domestic beef supply is also virus-free.

Federal inspectors have been purchasing and inspecting meat at retail stores for years, said Eric Deeble, DVM, deputy assistant secretary for Congressional Relations at the U.S. Department of Agriculture. So far, H5N1, the virus behind bird flu, has not been detected in beef.

The USDA took its testing a step further and recently cooked ground dairy cow meat in its lab. Using what Deeble called an “ burger,” the agency showed that heating beef above 165 degrees Fahrenheit would kill the virus if needed.

The federal government now tests all cattle; No need to worry about bird flu Remove viruses before crossing state lines. The government also compensates farmers for veterinary treatment and medical expenses. loss of business Control outbreaks and provide workers with personal protective equipment (PPE) such as gloves, masks, and face shields.

Vaccinations are currently not recommended

Federal scientists know enough about the H5N1 virus to quickly create a vaccine against it if needed. At this point, it's important to plan ahead. “Vaccines are not part of our response at this point,” said Dr. David Boucher, director of infectious disease preparedness and response at the Office of Strategic Preparedness and Response.

Even if the virus changes and becomes a greater threat to people, “we have the building blocks to produce a vaccine,” Boucher added.

An event attendee asked whether the seasonal flu shot had any protective effect. “Unfortunately, the flu shot you received last year does not provide sufficient protection against bird flu,” Shah replied. “It might work a little bit…but it's a seasonal flu vaccine. This is something more novel.”

Treatment drugs stocked and ready

Shah said antiviral drugs given early in a bird flu infection could reduce the severity and duration of the disease, and are now available. The former dairy farmer infected with bird flu I replied earlier this year Oseltamivir (Tamiflu) treatmentfor example.

When it comes to bird flu symptoms, Shah said it was interesting that the only case reported so far this year developed conjunctivitis, also known as conjunctivitis.Officials would have expected something more typical. Seasonal influenza symptomshe added.

“Influenza is not a new virus,” Boucher said. “We don't see any genetic markers associated with resistance to antiviral drugs in this strain of influenza. This means that the antiviral drugs we take for seasonal influenza, if needed, are less effective against H5N1. It can also be used for treatment.”

ASPR has a stockpile of Tamiflu and three other antiviral drugs. “We have tens of millions of courses that can be distributed across the country as needed,” he added.

“Influenza is a familiar enemy to us,” Boucher said. That's why “we now have antiviral drugs and many types of personal protective equipment.”

science practice

Federal authorities intend to continue the case. They will continue to monitor emergency department visits, laboratory test orders, and wastewater samples for changes that suggest an increased risk of human pandemic.

“We've learned a lot, but there's still a lot we don't know,” Deeble said.

Shah added: “As with any infectious disease outbreak, this is an evolving situation and may change. What you are seeing now is science in action.”

For the latest information on avian influenza in the United States, visit the CDC. H5N1 Avian Influenza: Current Status Overview Website.




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