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Fish oil supplements may increase risk of stroke and heart disease

Fish oil supplements may increase risk of stroke and heart disease
Fish oil supplements may increase risk of stroke and heart disease


Woman holding fish oil capsules. Share on Pinterest
A new study finds that fish oil supplements may increase the risk of heart disease and stroke in healthy people. Pranitan Chorungsak/Getty Images
  • One study found that fish oil supplements were associated with an increased risk of a first episode of CVD.
  • However, it was beneficial for people who already had CVD.
  • In healthy people, the risks of fish oil supplements appear to outweigh the benefits.
  • Experts advise against using fish oil supplements if you are currently healthy.
  • It may be best to eat a heart-healthy diet that includes sources of omega-3s, such as fatty fish.

fish oil Foods derived from fatty fish such as salmon, mackerel and trout are often recommended, especially for those with cardiovascular disease (CVD), due to their anti-inflammatory effects. high blood pressureabnormal lipids, and rheumatoid arthritis.

Fatty fish is an excellent source of two major nutrients omega 3 fatty acids Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) are necessary but cannot be produced by the human body.

However, while it may seem like a good idea for healthy people to also take fish oil to prevent disease, the results of large-scale, long-term studies show that study A paper published in the journal BMJ Medicine on May 21, 2024 shows that this may not be the case.

Researchers have found that regularly consuming fish oil may actually increase the risk of developing heart disease and stroke in healthy people for the first time.

However, regular use was able to slow the progression of existing CVD. It also helped reduce the risk of death.

Researchers included 415,737 people from the UK Biobank study.

More than half of the participants (55%) were female and ranged in age from 40 to 69 years.

Information collected about individuals included use of fish oil supplements and dietary intake of oily and non-oily fish.

People's health status was followed until death or the end of the study in March 2021.

About one-third of people said they regularly used fish oil supplements, and the majority were older, white, and female.

Among people with no known symptoms of CVD at the start of the study, regular use of fish oil supplements was associated with a 13% increased risk of developing CVD atrial fibrillation 5% higher risk. stroke.

However, regular fish oil users who had atrial fibrillation at the start of the study had a 15% lower risk of atrial fibrillation progressing to a heart attack, and a 9% lower risk of atrial fibrillation progressing to a heart attack. heart failure until death.

Dr. Michael O. McKinneyThe omega-3 fatty acids found in fish oil supplements have been widely studied and have been found to have both anti-inflammatory and lipid-lowering properties, explained a physician at Healthy Outlook in Jacksonville, Florida.

“In people with established CVD, these properties stabilize atherosclerotic plaques and reduce serum levels. Triglyceridesimprove endothelial function and thereby reduce adverse cardiovascular events,” he said.

But McKinney noted that if people are healthy, the situation isn't that simple.

“The potential benefits of high doses of omega-3 may increase the risk of bleeding due to anticoagulant effects that outweigh the benefits in individuals without significant cardiovascular disease risk,” he said.

McKinney says that taking fish oil supplements when you're healthy can disrupt your fatty acid balance and unintentionally increase your risk of heart disease.

Dr. Sara BonzaAnother factor to consider, says the founder of Bonza Health in Columbus, Ohio, and a board-certified family physician, is that some research shows was suggested Fish oil may also increase healthy people's risk of atrial fibrillation, an irregular heart rhythm that increases the risk of stroke.

“But for people with pre-existing poor cardiovascular health, omega-3s do have anti-inflammatory and plaque-stabilizing properties that can slow the progression of cardiovascular disease and reduce the likelihood of heart-related death.” It helps,” she added. event.

“Thus, for patients with weakened cardiovascular systems, these benefits may outweigh the risks,” Bonza says.

“If you are healthy and are considering using fish oil capsules to prevent heart disease, you may want to think twice about that decision,” Bonza says.

Additionally, she said, the American Heart Association does not recommend taking omega-3 supplements if you are at low risk for CVD, because the effects are “much more potentiated” in people with cardiovascular disease.

Instead, Bonza recommends eating a heart-healthy diet rich in natural sources of omega-3s, such as fish.

In her opinion, this will be more beneficial to your health.

“However, because factors in each individual's health situation vary, it is important to first consult with your healthcare provider before choosing to change your supplement intake,” she added. “To be on the safe side, consult with your doctor first.”

Bonza said she recommends supplementing with flaxseed oil or chia seeds instead of fish oil because of their high alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) content. It's a plant-based omega-3 fatty acid, she explained.

She suggests increasing these types of fatty acids in your diet because they may have anti-inflammatory properties that benefit cardiovascular health, but in reality this is not the case. not associated There is a risk of atrial fibrillation.

“Also, a diet containing omega-3s, such as nuts, soy products, and fortified foods, can provide the same benefits without the need for high-dose supplements,” she added.

McKinney also suggests taking other heart-supporting supplements, such as coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10), as well as fiber supplements, such as: plantain shell.

“Additionally, everyone should consult their health care provider so that individual patients can tailor their supplement choices according to their health concerns and characteristics,” he concluded.

A new study has found that fish oil consumption is associated with an increased risk of developing heart disease and stroke in healthy people.

However, people who already had CVD experienced a protective effect against further progression of the disease.

This was an observational study. It does not prove causation.

Experts say the differences in how fish oil affects human risks mean that in healthy people, the risks associated with fish oil supplements, such as bleeding, fatty acid imbalance, and atrial fibrillation, may outweigh the potential benefits. This may be due to the fact that.

For healthy people, it may be best to get omega-3 fatty acids from foods such as fatty fish.

Flaxseed oil, chia seeds, omega-3 fatty acid enriched foods, CoQ10, and psyllium husk may be safer supplements for cardiovascular health.




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