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Prioritizing women's heart health across the health system

Prioritizing women's heart health across the health system


Heart disease is the leading cause of death for both men and women in the United States, yet women have historically and currently been underrepresented in heart disease research and may be overlooked in clinical practice when it comes to cardiovascular care.44%) do not realize that heart disease is the number one cause of death for them.

Women have historically been excluded from cardiovascular research, and medical research in general, due to the belief that female hormones make them difficult to study, or that they may have a negative impact on women and their future fertility. While we now know these beliefs to be false, this assumption has left a mark on research.

  • Women are just one third Study populations in most cardiovascular trials
  • women are Underrated Clinical trials for ischemic heart disease; and
  • women just wear makeup twenty four% of heart failure testing.

As these research gaps permeate the healthcare system, they could impact patient outcomes and influence the way both healthcare providers and patients think about heart disease.

  • Women with chest pains wait 11 mins They take longer to be treated in the emergency department than men with the same symptoms.
  • Women of color are Probability is high the trivialization of their complaints by medical professionals compared to other groups, including men and white women;
  • women are Unlikely Compared to men, they are more likely to receive treatment and interventions that are aligned with cardiac guidelines.

Another challenge to improving these outcomes is that only 13% of cardiologists are women, and women remain. underrated in cardiovascular research leadership and publishing.

Improving women's heart health, from additional education for women-focused health care workers to improving diversity in clinical trials, culturally sensitive and customized public education resources, and stronger policy support. , requires a comprehensive and multifaceted approach.

Earlier this year, the Women's Health Research Association published its Heart Health Policy Agenda, outlining several ways to address gender disparities in heart health. Here are the suggestions:

  • Implement a federally led heart health awareness campaign to increase public awareness of heart disease.
  • Increase diversity across all levels of science by reintroducing and passing the Diversifying Research Through Equitable Research Exploration for All (DIVERSE) Act.
  • Address gender bias through health professional education training by integrating sex and gender training throughout the medical curriculum.
  • Cardiovascular clinical guidelines will feature women prominently (and in some cases as a focus), rather than as an afterthought or a special patient group.
  • Puts the patient at the center of the care plan by encouraging open communication between the provider and the individual and ensuring that the individual's preferences, values, and lifestyle factors are considered.
  • Modify utilization management and other insurance policies to support patient needs and provide stability for patients' treatment plans and options, including through the passage of the Safe Step Act of 2023 and incorporating patient protections from non-medical switching.
  • Developing a comprehensive, patient-centered approach to addressing the social determinants and root causes of heart disease, including protecting food security and access to programs such as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), and promoting cultural Create interventions tailored to local demographics, integrate holistic health (physical activity, nutrition) into medical curricula, and ultimately move toward a more preventive health care system. .

These recommendations represent just some of the changes needed to meaningfully improve women's heart health across their lifetimes. Read the policy agenda recommendations.Improving women's heart health throughout their lives. “

Heart disease is considered an “invisible disease” – it is not visible to others and can be difficult to diagnose. However, by advocating for heart health, raising awareness among women about their personal risk of heart disease, and ensuring diverse female populations are well represented in cardiovascular clinical trials, we can help reduce the burden of heart disease in the United States and save lives.

Improving women's heart health research, treatment and education is a rising tide that lifts us all. This Women's Health Month and all year round, please join SWHR in working toward a society where cardiovascular health is prioritized and supported at the individual, community and systems levels.




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