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Doctor worried about an illness that can paralyze a child


The CDC says there are still other illnesses you need to recognize. It has serious consequences because doctors warn of possible AFM or acute flaccid myelitis, which can cause paralysis in children.

When Kinley I was just five years old, but my stomach and headache changed to fatigue. By the time her parents took her to the hospital, she was admitted to the ICU. By the next morning, she had paralysis in her limbs to support her life.

Currently, 11 are one of 633 cases nationwide so far. AFM. Dr. Janell Routh, a pediatrician and AFM team leader at CDC, says she has been tracking neurological status since 2014.

“Something changed in 2014, epidemiology changed, and the number of cases increased,” Rous said. “We confirmed 120 cases in 2014. I think the new epidemiology is suggesting a new cause for this condition, or one that is somehow more toxic.”

By 2018, the number of cases had doubled. So 2020 is a year that seems to be all affected and more cases will be seen. According to CDC, the type of virus that causes AFM begins with a basic fever. Then it may disappear and come back.

“Most parents don’t necessarily care much about heat and smell. If parents feel weakness in their limbs and their child complains of headache, back pain, or weakness in their limbs, they need to seek medical care. It’s a sign, Rous said.

Louss says AFM progresses rapidly by attacking the gray matter of the spinal cord. Paralysis develops in just a few hours or days.

“I remember one mother told me that her child was lying tightly on her chest and couldn’t move. They asked if they really would call their pediatrician. , Signs that they need to go to the ER and be evaluated,” Rous said.

There are many things we do not know because it is a relatively new syndrome. There are no tests to diagnose it, and no vaccine. 90% of cases are children under the age of 18, with an average age of 5 years. Some have recovered, while others have long-term complications, such as Kinley, who are 11 years old and still on the ventilator. She has regained her right leg and right leg use and uses it for school work and painting.

“I have definitely seen how this situation affects children and their families, not only from a physical perspective, but also from an emotional perspective that disrupts the lives of the family,” he said. Louss said.

The CDC is currently tracking patients and outcomes, tracking the recovery of those who have been diagnosed, and investigating who may be at risk. They know that it seems to affect children in late August and early September, and prevention is similar to that given to other viruses like COVID-19. Hand washing, staying home if sick, cough etiquette good.

“AFM is an emergency medical practice, and if your child sees signs of limb weakness in a child after a viral illness or in the early summer and early fall months, ask your pediatrician to go to the emergency room. Ask me,” said Rous.

And while COVID-19 is very focused, it’s clear that it’s not just the viruses that are spreading.


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