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Relationship between sleep and appetite in REM


Rapid eye movement (REM) sleep is one of the stages through which the brain passes during sleep. Although certain areas of the brain show high electrical activity, scientists know very little about the importance of these active neurons. Swiss researchers Rem sleep And eating behavior.

Bern University and School Hospital Team (InselspitalWe have observed that the same neural circuit is highly active during REM sleep and feeding behavior. Their discovery Release National Academy of Sciences Proceedings (PNAS).

Relationship between sleep and appetite in REM

(Photo: Screenshot from pxhere official website)

Previous studies of REM sleep have determined which areas of the brain are activated during this sleep phase. For the first time, scientists have discovered that it inhibits nerve cell activity Lateral hypothalamus I lose my appetite.

Sleep stages are usually light sleep, deep sleep, and REM sleep. The process repeats every night and the REM stage gets longer and harder each time.

The last round of REM usually lasts up to an hour and is accompanied by vivid dreams, eye movements, increased heart rate and high activity in certain brain areas.

REM sleep and appetite

One active brain area during REM sleep is the hypothalamus. The area responds to hunger and signals when enough food has been consumed.

The lateral hypothalamus is also associated with memory function and emotions. Behaviors such as motivation and poisoning are also regulated by this small area of ​​the brain.

Their findings “indicate that REM sleep is necessary to stabilize food intake,” said Antoine Adamandis. To understand how neural activity during REM sleep affects daily activities, Dr. Adamantidis and his team used a mouse model.

Using a technique called OptogeneticsThe team used light pulses to turn off or shut down specific active neurons in the lateral hypothalamus during REM sleep in mice. When they woke up, researchers observed that their behavior changed-the mice consumed less than normal food.

Lucas Osh They were surprised by how “strongly and persistently our intervention affected lateral hypothalamic neural activity and mouse behavior.” He added that he still had a loss of appetite, even after four days of regular sleep. The results suggest that neural activity during REM sleep is essential for regulating feeding behavior in mammals.

Also read: Research says sleep deprivation may cause dandruff

Quality of sleep

The results show that a significant amount of sleep is not the only important factor in overall health and well-being, but more importantly, how sleep quality affects eating behavior. “This is especially true for our society, where sleep quality is dramatically affected by shift work, late-night screen exposure, and adolescent social lag, as well as sleep reduction. It is related.”

Correlating brain activity during REM sleep with eating behavior can also help develop new treatments for people with eating disorders, addictions, and mood disorders whose motivation is a major issue. Adamantidis stated that they were still doing a lot of discovery-related research before extending the data to therapeutic approaches.

Also read: Research suggests that reduced REM sleep may increase adult mortality

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