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The importance of sustainability in fashion

The importance of sustainability in fashion



Less than a generation ago, most of us didn't think about where our clothes came from, the supply chain that involved them, or the people who made them. However, recently there has been a positive shift in consumer ethics, not only towards care, but also towards making decisions with our money to buy from companies that act responsibly.

In retail, it has become more common to know where a garment was made, whether workers were paid fairly, and whether the quality of the fabric is expected to last two years or two decades. Consumers are informed when unsafe working conditions are discovered and are reluctant to spend on “fast fashion,” clothing that is quickly designed but also rapidly deteriorates in quality. Fortunately, technology has advanced to allow brands to sell more environmentally friendly materials and create less waste throughout the entire process, from product creation to marketing to in-store or on-premises sales. website.

Research shows that 62% of Gen Z shoppers prefer to buy from sustainable brands and 73% will pay more for sustainable products. According to National Retail Federation, between half and two-thirds of buyers would be willing to pay more for sustainable products. That said, the urgency to be more sustainable not only has powerful ramifications for brands' bottom lines, but it is now also becoming a matter of law.

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The majority of carbon emissions in the retail world come from emissions at every stage of the supply chain, from the creation of materials to the life the consumer gives to the product. By 2030, industry will need to cut its emissions by about half to mitigate climate change, according to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

In their rush to meet these standards, some brands have been caught “greenwashing” or exaggerating their sustainability efforts or practices. The global supply chain is complex, but there are opportunities to make improvements every step of the way. For inspiration, look no further than these companies that have taken major steps to be more sustainable.

Carbon compensation: According to Drapers, “A carbon offset is the reduction or elimination of emissions of carbon dioxide or other greenhouse gases made in order to compensate for emissions made elsewhere.” One of our knitting clients invests in various sustainability initiatives and has committed to becoming carbon neutral by reducing emissions, investing in offsets and prioritizing renewable energy by 2025.

Become AB Corp: The benchmark in sustainability, a B corporation is a company that has achieved high standards in several categories: governance, workers, community, environment and customers.

Appointment of a sustainable development manager: Notable companies are creating or combining roles to re-emphasize this critical area of ​​expertise. One of our clients, Stella McCartney, even created the role of Chief Sustainability Officer, dedicated to managing its social impact, sustainability efforts and innovation initiatives. It's a trend several other companies are also committed to it.

So how can retail companies follow suit?

Improve the working environment of stores and factories: The process is timely but worth it. Start by ensuring fair labor practices are in place for all workers, then consider the work environment. Is there an opportunity for more efficient lighting, heating, HVAC or solar?

Update transportation and logistics: Even large city buses are now updating their fleets with electric vehicles, and retail companies may follow suit. Make sure your transportation methods are environmentally friendly and look for opportunities to transport products in the most carbon-efficient way possible.

Forecast inventory more effectively: Digitizing the forecasting process not only saves employees time, but it also allows a business to make faster decisions, ultimately leading to less product waste in the long run. While B2C brands were known for doing this first out of necessity, more and more B2B brands are doing the same in order to make their wholesale business more streamlined and environmentally friendly.

It's easy to look at companies that have spent decades achieving all the highest standards and all the shiny certifications and think that sustainability is an insurmountable goal, but that's simply not the case. Even choosing one focus area per quarter is a good start.

Process digitalization is an ideal first step to increase efficiency, reduce operational expenses and access real-time data that will result in better forecasting and less waste. Additional benefits of digitalization that strengthen sustainable business practices include reduced travel, reduced or eliminated sample production, and elimination of printing. needs.

Climate change is only getting worse and retail brands have a major role to play in mitigating it. When it comes to brand sustainability, it's a change you can't afford to ignore.

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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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