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Karan Johar News: Bollywood filmmaker Karan Johar's timely protest against sanctioned ruckus is important

Karan Johar News: Bollywood filmmaker Karan Johar's timely protest against sanctioned ruckus is important


Karan Johar's timely protest against sanctioned ruckus is important

Karan Johar's timely protest against sanctioned ruckus is important

Awareness Karan Johar closely for many years, this writer can say with certainty that he is a man of infinite patience and can take a joke on the chin without squirming.

It takes a lot for Karan to be provoked. He can appear obsessed and arrogant. But he is none of that. A pure heart, he would do anything for friends, of whom he has no shortage in his life.

As often happens with someone as popular as Karan, there is no shortage of attackers and publicity seekers either. The Indian penchant for spoofing and parodying those who are eminently popular and famous is endemic.

I remember telling Lataji to legally put an end to her constant impersonation of a young stand-up comedian. This woman had made a cottage industry out of her Lata Mangeshkar impersonations (very bad ones at that, as anyone who knew Lataji personally would tell you).

But Lataji never listened. She replied softly: What difference does it make, Subhash? If this girl runs her house in my name, why should I limit her income?

Because Lataji, your honor is not just yours. Poorey comes from Hindustan, I would tell him.

I'm glad Karan Johar took the bull by the horns. When you allow people to misuse your name, when you allow someone to use your name to create crude, shrill, ugly laughter, then you are as much a part of the joke as the weight of it. this.

In the West, jokes about celebrities, even heads of state, are part of their culture. Recently, when Jimmy Kimmel was interviewing my favorite comedian Carol Burnett, he asked her if she would like to be President of the United States, like the Orange President who preceded her.

Kimmel's Trump card has divided the public.

Imagine the same joke made on Kapil Sharmas show about an Indian head of state. His spectacle would disappear from the face of the earth. In India, we draw a line between practicing authentic humor and getting personal.

When you cross the line, you pay. I just hope the comedian who parodied Karan Johar doesn't appreciate all the criticism. After all, any publicity is good publicity. As Rakhi Sawant would agree.




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