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A new approach to melanoma treatment

A new approach to melanoma treatment


With Professor Wenbo Bu of Fudan University, University of Technology Sydneyhas discovered an innovative way to effectively treat cancer by reactivating suppressed metabolic pathways in cancer cells, and the discovery has been published in a prestigious journal. Nature Nanotechnology.

Cancer cells, nanomedicine

Image credit: crystal light/​​​​​​​​

The researchers used the common amino acid tyrosine as a nanomedicine. Malignant melanomaIt kills the deadly skin cancer virus and prevents the spread of the disease.

Australia has one of the highest rates of skin cancer in the world, and combining this new technology with existing treatments could improve melanoma treatment. The approach could also be used to treat other types of cancer.

Tyrosine has limited bioavailability, but the researchers used a new nanotechnology approach to package tyrosine into tiny particles called nanomicelles, which are attracted to cancer cell membranes and rapidly break down, facilitating absorption.

The researchers then tested the new treatment in the lab on melanoma cells from mice and humans and found that the tyrosine nanomicelles awakened a dormant metabolic pathway, induced melanin formation, and inhibited tumor development.

Rapid, uncontrolled proliferation is a key feature that distinguishes cancer cells from normal cells: in cancer cells, some metabolic pathways are overactivated and others suppressed, creating the environment necessary for rapid proliferation.

Dayeon Jin, Professor Emeritus, University of Technology, Sydney

He added, “Several metabolism-based cancer drugs have been developed so far, such as aromatase inhibitors that block estrogen synthesis in breast cancer and HK2 inhibitors that target glycolysis in various cancers, which act by suppressing overactive metabolic pathways.

Professor Bu pointed out:Our work shows for the first time that cancer can be thwarted by reactivating dormant metabolic pathways, and this can be done using simple nutrients such as amino acids, sugars and vitamins that are safe, readily available and well tolerated.

Different nutrients have different effects on cancer. Melanoma cells arise from melanocytes, skin cells that produce melanin. Tyrosine is necessary for the production of melanin. Melanin productionThis explains its effectiveness against melanoma.

Reactivating melanin synthesis causes melanoma cells to reduce glycolysis, the process that converts sugar into energy, which is thought to be the reason for the anti-cancer effect.

Melanoma cells are also susceptible to heat stress. The researchers found that by combining tyrosine nanomicelle therapy with near-infrared laser treatment, they were able to eliminate melanoma in mice within six days, and the tumors did not recur during the study period.

The findings suggest new possibilities for the use of nanomedicine in cancer treatment.

Journal References:

Chen, Y. other. (2024) Nutritional supplementation and metabolic reactivation therapy for melanoma. Nature Nanotechnology. doi:10.1038/s41565-024-01690-6




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