Study finds that short bouts of light exercise improves sleep quality
Vigorous exercise before bed has long been discouraged, but researchers at the University of Otago have found that short bouts of light exercise can lead to better sleep.
In a world-first study published in 2011, BMJ Open Sports & Exercise Medicine In the Health Research Council funded study, participants completed two four-hour overnight intervention sessions that consisted of extended periods of sitting, separated by three-minute activity breaks every 30 minutes.
The researchers found that participants slept 30 minutes longer after completing the activity break intervention.
Lead author Jennifer Gale, a doctoral student in the Department of Human Nutrition, said prolonged sitting is associated with an increased risk of diabetes, cardiovascular disease and death.
We know that for many of us, the longest periods of uninterrupted sitting occur in the evening while awake at home, and previous studies have shown that getting up and exercising for two to three minutes every 30 minutes reduces the amount of sugar and fat in your bloodstream after a meal.
“However, many sleep guidelines say that people shouldn't do long or high-intensity exercise in the hours before sleep, so we wanted to know what would happen if people repeatedly engaged in very brief, light exercise at night.”
Jennifer Gale, Lead Author
Lead researcher Dr Meredith Peddie, senior lecturer in the Department of Human Nutrition, said the exercise intervention included three exercises: chair squats, calf raises and standing knee raises, which involve straight leg hip extensions.
“These simple bodyweight exercises were chosen because they require no equipment or large spaces and can be done without interrupting any TV programmes being watched.
“Based on what other studies say, simply walking around the house, marching in place or dancing in your living room will probably have similar benefits. The most important thing is to get out of your chair and move around regularly,” she says.
The fact that this exercise led to more sleep is important because lack of sleep can negatively impact your diet and lead to heart disease and type 2 diabetes.
“We know that higher levels of daytime physical activity improves sleep quality, but current sleep recommendations do not recommend vigorous exercise before bedtime because it can increase body temperature and heart rate, reducing sleep quality.
“It may be time to revisit these guidelines because our study shows that regular breaks from prolonged sitting are a promising health intervention,” said Dr Peddie.
Journal References:
Gayle, J.T. other. (2024). Regular activity breaks in the evening extend subsequent free-living sleep duration in healthy adults: a randomized crossover trial. BMJ Open Sports & Exercise Medicine.
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