Why Millennials and Gen Z are at higher cancer risk than ever before
Millennials and Gen Z may be living in an era of unprecedented technological advancements, access to information, and opportunities for personal and professional growth. But this era is also rife with a worrying rise in various health issues, especially diseases like cancer.
Although often overlooked in public, Cancer is a very visible and frightening burdenglobally as well as in India.
The dichotomy between affluent lifestyles and the rampant threat of this deadly disease demonstrates the critical need for increased awareness and aggressive medical measures.
Rising burden of cancer among millennials and Gen Z
On August 1, the American Cancer Society New research in The Lancet Public Health Cancer incidence and mortality rates by generation.
The study found that 17 types of cancer are more common among more recent generations, particularly millennials and Gen Z (those born between 1980 and 2012), and that some cancer types are more common among people born in 1990 than in 1955.
These 17 cancer types include: colon, uterine corpus, gallbladder, kidney and renal pelvis, pancreas, myeloma, non-cardia gastric (a type of stomach cancer), leukemia, testicular, cardiac gastric (a type of stomach cancer), small intestine, estrogen receptor positive breast cancer, ovarian, liver (women), non-HPV-associated oral cavity and pharynx (women), anus (men), and Kaposi's sarcoma (a type of blood cancer) (men).
According to the authors, the increasing cancer incidence in people under the age of 50 is primarily due to increased exposure to carcinogenic factors during childhood or young adulthood.
Incidence of Cancer in India
This data is from the US, but the incidence is not very different in India.
Delhi State Cancer Institute (DSCI) Incidence of colon cancer discovered Instead of affecting people over 50, it is now spreading among adults between 31 and 40 years old.
According to the National Centre for Disease Informatics and Research (ICMR-NCDIR), there will be 1,461,427 new cancer cases in India in 2022. The crude incidence rate is 100.4 per 100,000 people..
According to ICMR-NCDIR, around one in nine Indians is expected to be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime.
Lung cancer is most common in men, while breast cancer is most common in women.
Lymphoblastic leukemia is the most common cancer in children aged 0-14 years, accounting for 29.2% of boys and 24.2% of girls. Researchers in India predict that by 2025, cancer incidence will increase by 12.8% compared to 2020.
Cancer in India is complex and evolving, but currently, the main concern is bridging existing treatment gaps – in fact, “there are no dedicated programs or policies to address and control childhood cancer.”
Dr Chintamani, head of the surgical oncology department at Sir Gangaram Hospital, told that “generational change in cancer risk” is currently poorly understood.
Dr Pooja Babbar, consultant medical oncologist at CK Birla Hospital, Gurugram, Millennials and Gen Z are at higher risk for cancer Rising poverty rates today are due to exposure to air pollution, starting drinking and smoking at a young age, industrialization, and the inevitable availability of ultra-processed foods.
“Generation Z is more exposed to so-called ultra-processed and white foods and binge-watches TV with popcorn and cold drinks,” Dr Babar said.
Dr. Amit Bhargava, senior director of medical oncology, said food options are plentiful, but “healthy” options are few. Increased incidence of cancerAlcohol, smoking and exposure to toxic environments top the list.
“Over a period of time, the number of families with familial cancer has increased exponentially, leading to transmission of cancer genes to younger generations, resulting in cancer onset at an earlier age,” Dr Bhargava added.
However, Dr Babar added that another reason for the rise in incidence is improved diagnostic facilities. “Very good imaging and tests are available now and people are more vigilant about cancer, hence new cases are being diagnosed,” she said.
How can we curb the inevitable rise in cancer?
of First, make some small changes to your eating habits.: Eat clean home-cooked meals, stay hydrated, eat whole grains, vegetables and fruits, avoid processed foods and limit salt and sugar intake.
“Excessive intake of salt and sugar leads to obesity, which is indirectly linked to many cancers. It is also important to maintain one's body weight within a healthy range,” advised Dr Babar.
In addition to physical activity, maintaining a proper circadian sleep rhythm helps repair damage done to the body during the day.
“Millennials and Gen Z are not sleeping properly. They are not getting enough sleep or they are sleeping late at night. This leads to stress and this leads to cancer in the body. Either way, stress is very high among today's young generation,” said Dr Babbar.
Dr Bhargava emphasised the importance of early testing, especially if there is a family history of cancer.
Moreover, it is important to maintain vitamin B12 and D3 levels, besides completely avoiding alcohol and smoking and making exercise a daily habit, he said.
Dr Chintamani said around 40-50 per cent of cancers could be prevented through lifestyle changes, and most hereditary cancers are “early-onset cancers, more aggressive and have a poorer prognosis”.
That's why he says it's important to be aware of your own body.
Millennials and Gen Z are facing an increase in health issues such as cancer, but addressing this issue requires concerted efforts towards awareness, early detection and lifestyle changes.
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