Olympics could increase spread of tropical diseases, health experts warn

As the world eagerly awaits the Olympic and Paralympic Games in Paris, global health experts are expressing concern about the possible unintended consequence of the spread of tropical diseases. With more than 11 million visitors expected, including about 1.5 million international travelers, the influx of people into the French capital could facilitate the unintended transmission of mosquito-borne diseases such as dengue, Zika and chikungunya to areas where these diseases do not normally occur. Let's take a closer look at why these warnings are being issued and what measures are being taken to mitigate the risks.
The growing threat of tropical diseases
The potential spread of tropical diseases during global events such as the Olympics is of increasing concern due to the interplay of climate change, globalization, and urbanization. Recent trends have shown that diseases traditionally limited to tropical and subtropical regions are now spreading to new areas. This shift is largely due to the spread of Aedes albopictus mosquitoes, known to transmit dengue, Zika, and chikungunya.
Dengue fever
Characterized by high fever, severe headache, pain behind the eyes, joint and muscle pain, and a rash, dengue fever is causing a surge in cases around the world. The World Health Organization estimates that 100 to 400 million people are infected with dengue fever each year. In 2024 alone, dengue deaths were reported in more than 80 countries, mostly in Latin America and Southeast Asia.
Zika virus
Although Zika virus symptoms are often mild, it can cause birth defects, including microcephaly, in infants and pose a serious risk to pregnant women. The virus has spread significantly in recent years due to the proliferation of Aedes albopictus mosquitoes.
Chikungunya fever
The disease, which causes severe fever and debilitating joint pain, has symptoms similar to dengue and Zika, but is less well known. Nevertheless, its spread is of major concern because of the impact it has on health and quality of life.
Convergence of risks
In France, as in much of Europe, the population of Aedes albopictus mosquitoes is increasing, mainly due to global warming and changing climatic conditions. This mosquito was first introduced to southern Europe in the 1970s and has now spread to many parts of Western, Southern and Eastern Europe.
Current weather conditions in Paris – warm temperatures and frequent heavy rains – create an ideal environment for these mosquitoes to breed. The city is preparing for a large influx of tourists, increasing the risk of disease transmission. Most dengue cases in France are linked to travel to endemic areas, but the increasing mosquito population has raised concerns about local transmission.
Preparation and response
In response to these concerns, French health authorities and international health organizations have implemented several measures to monitor and prevent the spread of tropical diseases during the Olympics.
Mosquito monitoring
The Paris Health Department has set up 526 mosquito egg traps throughout the city to monitor for the presence of Aedes albopictus mosquitoes, and is also working to reduce potential breeding sites by removing standing water and trapping mosquitoes in high-traffic areas.
Enhanced monitoring
As a leading biomedical research foundation, the Institut Pasteur is working with its public health teams to increase disease detection and response capacity during the Olympics, including strengthening surveillance of disease cases and collaborating with international health organizations such as the World Health Organization (WHO) and the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control.
Health Guidelines
French authorities, in collaboration with the WHO, have issued health guidelines for visitors, which include recommendations for preventive measures such as using mosquito repellent, wearing protective clothing and staying in accommodation with mosquito nets or screens.
Issues and Considerations
Despite these efforts, challenges remain in effectively managing the risk of tropical disease outbreaks. Experts say ensuring regular testing for diseases such as dengue fever in resource-limited settings can be difficult, leading to delayed identification of outbreaks. Additionally, illnesses that exhibit symptoms similar to more common illnesses may not be recognized until they have reached a more serious stage.
John Tembo, scientific coordinator for herpes, noted that the disease is difficult to detect in certain areas because it is not routinely tested for. “It may not be identified until it becomes a serious health problem,” he said. This highlights the importance of strong health communication and preparedness strategies.
Future outlook
As the Olympics approach, the focus remains on balancing the excitement of the event with the imperative to protect public health. Giovanni Satta, a lecturer at University College London and a sabbatical member at WHO, emphasizes the importance of preparation to prevent disease outbreaks during mass events. “Preparedness is the best weapon to prevent outbreaks during mass events,” Satta asserts.
In summary, while the Olympic Games promise to be an incredible event, they also present unique challenges for global health. By remaining vigilant and implementing comprehensive disease surveillance and prevention strategies, authorities aim to mitigate risks and ensure the safety of all participants and visitors.
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