H3N2 Influenza A virus confirmed in Ingham County resident

An Ingham County person has been confirmed to have the virus. Swine fluThe Michigan Department of Health and Human Services made the announcement Friday.
“While we believe this is an isolated case, Michiganders should be on the lookout for flu-like symptoms, including fever, respiratory symptoms such as cough or runny nose, and body aches,” Dr. Natasha Bagdasarian, the state's chief medical officer, said in a statement.
“If you have any of these symptoms, we encourage you to get tested for the flu as well as COVID-19. At-home COVID-19 tests are widely available, and tests for both the flu and COVID-19 are available at many pharmacies, urgent care offices, and clinics. Regardless of the test result, please stay home until you have recovered.”
Health officials said Friday they were still investigating how the person became infected with the H3N2v virus.
The individual tested positive for the H3N2 influenza virus in late July. A Michigan State Laboratory also tested a specimen from the Ingham County resident, which tested positive for the H3N2v virus. The specimen was then sent to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which confirmed that the individual was infected with the influenza A H3N2 virus.
of Influenza A H3N2v virus The virus is usually associated with pigs but has been known to infect humans sporadically, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
In 2023, The first two cases in the United States Pigs kept at a Michigan county fair have been linked to human infections with swine flu, according to the CDC.
Scientists often worry when viruses jump from animals to humans and sometimes back to animals again, because they can mutate and become more susceptible to the virus. Spreads more easily Or it could cause more severe illness and spark a new pandemic.
Influenza A H3N2v is Highly pathogenic H5N1 influenza virus It currently infects dairy cows and poultry in the United States, as well as some farm workers.
of H5N1 avian influenza virus The virus has adapted to infect mammals in the United States and around the world, killing seals, foxes, raccoons and skunks, and in late 2023 it also infected cattle, with high concentrations of viral particles found in the milk and udders of infected livestock.
Since then, 14 U.S. farm workers have He contracted avian influenza after working closely with infected cattle and poultry. Two of them were in Michigan..
Aubrey Gordon, a professor of epidemiology and international public health at the University of Michigan, said in a previous Free Press article that one of her biggest concerns is H5N1 virus It will soon begin to infect pigs.
“Pigs can be vectors for influenza,” said Gordon, who also serves as director of the Michigan Center for Infectious Disease Threats and Pandemic Preparedness. “Pigs have some of the same receptors as humans, so viruses that are highly transmissible among pigs may also be highly transmissible among humans.”
more:CDC releases new data on avian flu among Michigan farmworkers as U.S. cases rise
She suggested that the Department of Agriculture should closely monitor avian influenza infections in swine and that public health officials should consider PCR testing for people with flu-like symptoms.
The state health department said people who become ill with respiratory symptoms should talk to their health care provider about whether they've had recent contact with livestock such as birds, cows or pigs so that flu testing can be considered.
While many people recover from influenza, including illness caused by mutant viruses like H3N2v, these infections can cause severe illness. The state health department added that antiviral medications are available to treat H3N2v infections in both children and adults and that the risk to the general public remains low.
Although this infection has not been linked to known contact with pigs or other animals, MDHHS suggests taking the following precautions to avoid potential exposure at farms, fairs, and expositions:
- Please refrain from eating or drinking in the barn or show ring.
- Do not bring toys, pacifiers, cups, bottles, strollers or similar items into the pig area.
- People who are at high risk of serious flu complications and plan to attend the fair should avoid pigs and pig farms.
- Wash your hands frequently with soap and water, or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer if soap and water are not available.
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.
Contact Kristen Shamus at [email protected]. Subscribe to the Free Press.
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