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Study shows tirzepatide reduces risk of developing type 2 diabetes in people with prediabetes

Study shows tirzepatide reduces risk of developing type 2 diabetes in people with prediabetes
Study shows tirzepatide reduces risk of developing type 2 diabetes in people with prediabetes


Top Line

New research has found that the weight loss and diabetes drugs Zepbound and Maunjaro may significantly reduce the risk of diabetes in people with prediabetes or obesity, adding a new condition to the list of illnesses that researchers have found can be prevented with drugs.

Key Facts

Pharmaceutical manufacturer Eli Lilly Announced Results of a three-year study showed that the company's drug, tirzepatide, reduced the risk of developing type 2 diabetes by 94% in obese or overweight adults with prediabetes.

Tirzepatide is the active ingredient in the company's approved diabetes drug Munjaro and its approved weight loss drug Zepbound.

The drug also caused participants to lose weight: those taking the highest dose of 15 mg lost an average of 23% of their weight, compared with just 2.1% in the placebo group.

But while participants regained weight during a 17-week follow-up period after they stopped treatment and there was “some increased risk of progression to type 2 diabetes,” Lilly said the risk still reduced by 88 percent.

The most commonly reported adverse events in the study group were mild to moderate gastrointestinal disorders, including diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, and constipation.

Big numbers

98 million. That means roughly one in three Americans has prediabetes. data From the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

What is prediabetes?

People with prediabetes have blood sugar levels that are higher than normal, but not high enough to be considered type 2 diabetes. Caused It is caused by insulin resistance (the same thing that causes type 2 diabetes). It is caused by genetics, excess body fat, a diet high in processed foods, lack of exercise, chronic stress, lack of sleep, long-term steroid use, and hormonal disorders such as Cushing's disease. Although prediabetes is fairly common, most Americans (80%) do not know they have diabetes. According to Consult with Cleveland Clinic. Prediabetes often has no symptoms, but some people experience symptoms such as loose skin, changes in the eyes, and dark spots around the armpits, back, and neck. However, prediabetes can be reversed with lifestyle changes, such as weight loss. According to to Yale University School of Medicine.

Main Background

Munjaro was approved by the Food and Drug Administration in 2022, and Zepbound in 2023. Prediabetes isn't the only condition that tirzepatide can prevent: A February study found that subjects with high blood pressure who took tirzepatide saw their blood pressure drop by up to 10.6 points. studyEarlier this month, Lily Test results Patients taking tirzepatide had a 38% reduced risk of death or hospitalization due to cardiac complications. The drug significantly slowed the progression of kidney disease in patients with type 2 diabetes and other patients at increased risk of cardiovascular disease. According to According to the American Diabetes Association, tirzepatide Sleep apnea Symptoms.

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Study finds Munjaro's drug “Tirzepatide” effective in treating sleep apnea (Forbes)




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