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Red and processed meat linked to increased risk of type 2 diabetes

Red and processed meat linked to increased risk of type 2 diabetes


August 21, 2024 — Eating a few burgers or slices of bacon every day can increase your risk of developing diabetes by up to 15%. The type of meat you eat, and whether it's processed or not, has a big impact on your chances of developing diabetes. Type 2 diabetes It took about 10 years.

it is According to a new study led by researchers at the University of Cambridge in the UK, Published Wednesday Journal The Lancet Diabetes and EndocrinologyNearly four in 10 U.S. adults already have prediabetes and are at high risk of progressing to type 2 diabetes, a disease that affects how the body converts food into energy. Typically diagnosed around age 45, type 2 diabetes can lead to serious complications, including kidney disease, and is the eighth most common type of diabetes in 2021. cause of death In the United States

Researchers in the new study sought to understand how consumption of unprocessed red meat, processed meat, and poultry affects the risk of type 2 diabetes. They considered known type 2 diabetes risk factors, such as physical activity levels and BMI, and used other statistical methods to try to identify the relationship between meat intake and type 2 diabetes risk.

“Our study provides the most comprehensive evidence to date of an association between consumption of processed and unprocessed red meat and an increased risk of future type 2 diabetes,” said study author Nita Foroohi, MBBS, PhD, professor at the University of Cambridge. “This study supports recommendations to limit intake of processed and unprocessed red meat to reduce type 2 diabetes cases in the population.”

The researchers said it was unclear whether there was a link to poultry consumption and that any potential link needed further study.

The findings are the latest in a link between health problems and red and processed meat consumption. The study authors noted that scientists are still trying to understand what happens in the body after a person eats meat that leads to the development of type 2 diabetes (often called the “mechanism”). Potential causes include changes in the way the body responds to the hormone insulin, which may be related to the high amount of saturated fat found in red and processed meat. Diets that limit or eliminate meat have been shown to be linked to reduced calorie intake and increased diabetes. Low in fat.

Another reason The reason why eating meat regularly increases the risk of type 2 diabetes is because people who eat a lot of meat are likely to eat less healthy foods like fruits and vegetables. Forch saidThe New York Times.

The study found that the amount of meat and type of meat a person eats on a daily basis influenced their risk of type 2 diabetes. People who regularly eat 50 grams of processed meat a day, such as two slices of ham, increased their risk of developing type 2 diabetes by 15% over a 10-year period. Eating 100 grams of unprocessed red meat, such as a small steak, increased their risk by 10%. The researchers also reported that replacing processed meat with unprocessed red meat or chicken may reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes. Another recent study A study last year also found that reducing red meat intake and replacing it with other foods such as dairy, nuts and legumes lowers the risk of type 2 diabetes.




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