Research has shown that chlamydia can live in the human intestine.
People who are infected with chlamydia can transmit this bacterium to others during unprotected sex. The pathogen usually doesn't show any symptoms at first, or only mild symptoms, such as vaginal, penile, or anal itching. If you notice an infection, it can be easily treated with antibiotics. Otherwise, the bacterium can cause serious problems, such as infertility and cancer.
From everyday clinical practice, we know a phenomenon that can occur after successful antibiotic treatment: when an already treated person visits a doctor with a new chlamydia infection, they are often infected with exactly the same strain as the previous infection.
It is therefore reasonable to assume that the bacteria could find a niche in the body that is not yet vulnerable, form a permanent reservoir there, and become active again at a later time.”
Professor Thomas Rudel, chlamydia expert and head of the microbiology department at the Julius Maximilian University (JMU) Biocenter in Würzburg, Bavaria, Germany
This phenomenon is known as persistence, and it is problematic because chlamydia that remains in the body can become more resistant to antibiotics over time.
Experimentally infected intestinal organoids with chlamydia
What niche does the bacterium inhabit? Experiments in mouse models have shown that Chlamydia can live in the animal's gut, and in humans, it appears that this is exactly where the bacterium makes its home. This is reported in the journal Proteus by Thomas Rudel and Sina Bartfeld. PLOS PathogensProfessor Waltfeld will remain at JMU until 2021 and currently heads the Department of Medical Biotechnology at the Technical University of Berlin.
The researchers identified the intestine as a niche with the help of miniature artificial organs, so-called organoids: structures created in the lab from human intestinal cells that are highly similar in structure and function to the model organ.
The Würzburg and Berlin teams tried to infect intestinal organoids with chlamydia. They found that the organoids' cellular lining was highly resistant to bacteria; the pathogen could only penetrate there if the cellular epithelium was damaged. From the blood side, however, chlamydia was able to infect very efficiently. “In this case, we repeatedly found persistent forms of the bacterium, which were clearly identifiable by their typical shape under the electron microscope,” says JMU researcher Pargev Hovhannisyan, first author of the paper.
Clinical studies and further experiments need to continue.
This means that once transferred to the human body, persistent chlamydial infection is unlikely to occur from the lining of the gut but highly likely from the blood, but clinical studies have yet to confirm whether this actually happens in humans, says Thomas Rudel.
The next step for Thomas Rudel and Sheena Bartfeld is to find out whether Chlamydia selects certain cell types to persist. This is no easy task, as the intestine is made up of hundreds of different cell types. But it could also be factors from the surrounding tissue that trigger persistence. These and other details are currently being investigated.
Journal References:
Hovannisian, P. Others. (2024) Infection of human organoids supports the intestinal niche of Chlamydia trachomatis . PLoS Pathogens.
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