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Conversion behaviors associated with depression, PTSD, and suicidal ideation among LGBTQIA+ adults | News Center

Conversion behaviors associated with depression, PTSD, and suicidal ideation among LGBTQIA+ adults | News Center



Participants who experienced formal efforts to change their sexual orientation reported more symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder, whereas participants who experienced efforts to change their gender identity reported more symptoms of depression. The study found that people showed more Those who reported experiencing both forms of conversion practices had more symptoms of PTSD and suicidality.

Of the 191 people who recalled a sexual orientation change practice, 100 (52.4%) said the practice was led by a religious leader or organization, and 55 (28.8%) said the practice was led by a mental health provider or said it was facilitated by the organization. In contrast, 46 of 85 (54.1%) who recalled a gender reassignment effort said the gender reassignment effort was run by a mental health provider or organization, followed by 28 (32.9%) ) stated that gender reassignment efforts were run by religious leaders or organizations. .

Researchers also found that members of ethnic or racial minorities, people who grew up in communities that do not accept their identity, transgender people, and people with lower levels of education are more likely to have experienced acts of conversion. I also discovered that.

Pinpoint your conversion practices

The researchers conducted additional analyzes to determine that confounding factors that may contribute to a person's mental health, such as religious upbringing or an unaccepting family or community, do not alone account for the effects observed in the study. showed that it is not enough. “Overwhelming evidence shows that the practice of proselytism is associated with negative mental health outcomes,” Tran said.

In addition to calling for a national ban on conversion, the authors hope their findings will draw attention to the specific medical needs of the LGBTQIA+ community, particularly those who have experienced conversion.

“There is a growing need for mental health support among survivors of conversion acts,” Tran said. “Other studies have investigated this, finding support for LGBTQIA+ people to find supportive LGBTQIA+ networks, access positive mental health care, rebuild self-esteem, and come to terms with their gender identity and sexual orientation. This suggests that this is perhaps important for addressing the negative mental health associated with diversion practices.”

Researchers from the University of Washington, Oregon Health & Science University-Portland State University, Boston University, Boston Medical Center, Vaughan Brown Institute, Public Democracy America, Angela's Pulse, Bronx Academy of Arts and Dance, and SAGE New York Participated. study

This study was funded by the National Institutes of Health (grants OT2OD025276, 20CDA35320148, and K01HL151902), the Gill Foundation, the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation, and the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute.




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