ADHD: Misunderstood and underdiagnosed, but treatable
One in nine children in the United States has been diagnosed with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, according to data released in May by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. More than 8% of college students also have ADHD, and they often struggle in silence. Things like getting distracted in lectures, not completing assignments on time, or being slow to make friends. If this continues, you may forget to take your ADHD medication.
Andrea Chronis-Toscano, the Joel and Kim Ferrer Endowed Professor in the Department of Psychology at the University of Maryland and president of the American Psychological Association's Society of Child and Adolescent Clinical Psychology, argues that this chronic neurodevelopmental disorder, characterized by symptoms of inattention, I am a disability expert. hyperactivity, impulsivity, and/or emotional dysregulation.
She co-directs the UMD Succeeds College ADHD Clinic with Erin Jones, Associate Clinical Director, and focuses her research on understanding early predictors of developmental outcomes for children with ADHD. She is also working on treatments that target these early risks. protective factors Improving the lives of people with ADHD, including 4.4% of adults.
October is Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Awareness Month, and Chronis Toscano shared some key points everyone should know about the disorder.
ADHD is highly treatable
“We all know people with ADHD who have learned how to cope, found their niche, and are doing very well,” she said. “That's one of the most promising things about ADHD.”
Treatment involves action and cognitive behavioral therapyorganizational skills training, and stimulant medication. Chronis-Tuscano recommended consulting your primary care physician or pediatrician as the first step toward diagnosis and diagnosis. process.
“We are talking about ADHD and youth mental health more than ever before,” she said. “this open dialogue This is critical if we want to reduce stigma around mental health and increase access to treatment. ”
Left untreated, ADHD can have devastating effects
Chronis Toscano said the public significantly underestimates the impact that untreated ADHD has on individuals, families and society.
ADHD can lead to depression, suicide, drug use, dropping out of school, and incarceration. He said people with the disorder have a 10 to 15 year shorter life expectancy due to the effects on their physical and mental health.
She pushed back against the idea that ADHD is overdiagnosed or an excuse for forgetfulness and lack of motivation. “We need to take ADHD seriously because the consequences can be devastating.”
Disparities and barriers exist in ADHD treatment
Chronis Toscano pointed out that not everyone has access to a family doctor or pediatrician who can take the first step toward getting diagnosis and treatment for themselves or their child. Many schools lack resources and are unable to provide timely assessments and accommodations to students with challenges.
Socio-economic factors (such as lack of transportation or transportation) Insurance coveragecan also be a barrier for people seeking ADHD support and treatment programs. Another obstacle could be prejudice.
“People don't necessarily want to tell their school or their employer. They don't want to be labeled,” she says. “As a result, you may not get the support you need.”
Understanding ADHD in girls and women also requires more research and flexibility, Chronis-Toscano said, adding that many of the symptoms and “red flags” clinicians look for in diagnosing the disorder are linked to psychiatry. He pointed out that the literature was written with boys and men in mind. In this way, parents, teachers, guardians, and doctor They are more likely to initiate a diagnosis and treatment plan than girls and women with this disorder.
“Some people don't think of ADHD as such a big problem,” says Chronis Toscano. “But it is linked to so many important outcomes, including mental health and well-being. Academic backgroundfinancial independence…so many people are touched by that. ”
Provided by
University of Maryland
quotation: ADHD: Misunderstood, Underdiagnosed-Treatable (October 12, 2024) From October 13, 2024 obtained in
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