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Supply shortages and vaccine fatigue reduce vaccination rates in Alberta

Supply shortages and vaccine fatigue reduce vaccination rates in Alberta


Alberta health officials are slowing down deliveries of some vaccines, saying they could be contributing to vaccine fatigue and low uptake rates and put unnecessary stress on the province's health-care system. They are sounding the alarm over delays.

of Alberta Pharmacists Association They say the shortage particularly affects high doses. influenza Vaccines for the elderly.

“I haven't received the high-dose vaccine for a week and a half now, and I have no idea when it's going to arrive,” said Randy Howden, a pharmacist at Crowfoot Medicine Shop Pharmacy and Compounding Center.

“I have a patient today who is very upset that she cannot get any more appointments, which is very stressful for me and for the pharmacist and other members of my team.

“I feel like I'm going to have to cancel my plans for next week now, and I don't want that. It's becoming a big problem.”

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of alberta health services So far this year, only about 6 per cent of Albertans have been vaccinated against diseases such as COVID-19, influenza and respiratory syncytial virus, according to the dashboard.

Pharmacists told Global News that the state has procured enough influenza and coronavirus vaccines for this season, but distribution has been an issue for one distributor in particular. Mckessan Canada.

Mr Howden said he had tried to get answers as to the reason for the delay, but had so far been unsuccessful.

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“We are currently administering the last few doses of the high-dose influenza vaccine, but we do not know when we will receive more doses,” Howden added.

Some pharmacists say they are struggling to get enough vaccines to meet demand, especially flu shots for seniors.

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Asked about the delay by Global News, McKessan said in a statement: “There was a misunderstanding regarding the delivery date agreed to earlier this month.” At the same time, we are experiencing unprecedented levels of demand for refrigerated products, including seasonal vaccines for influenza and COVID-19. ”

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McKessan claimed it is working to resolve the issue and that its teams are “working overtime to fill vaccine orders as quickly as possible” to “accelerate vaccine deliveries.”

“We have been in close communication with our customers and have taken immediate steps to improve this situation, including bringing forward order schedules to accelerate vaccine delivery. We are working overtime to meet these requirements as quickly as possible,” the statement reads.

Infectious disease experts say problems with the delivery of some vaccines may be contributing to vaccine fatigue, leading some people to give up on finding a vaccine. are.

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Infectious disease experts warn that if people have trouble finding a vaccine or have to go to multiple locations, it could cause further vaccine fatigue, and some people may simply give up. There is.

“Fatigue is very real and undeniable, but the reality is the virus doesn't care,” said Dr. Craig Jenne, an infectious disease expert at the University of Calgary.

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“The reality is this. COVID-19 still killed about 1,000 Albertans last year “They remain a serious disease, with almost five times as many deaths as influenza, and before COVID-19, influenza was the leading cause of death from infectious diseases in Canada.” added Jenne.

“The more vaccines we get, the fewer people we're going to treat in the emergency room for coughs and sniffles. The fewer people we're going to admit, the fewer people we're going to have in intensive care. “It frees up beds for other medical care that we have to do, including treatment, cancer treatment, surgery, and even emergencies and trauma,” Jenne added.

According to AHS data from Oct. 13 to 19, there have been 297 people hospitalized with COVID-19 in Alberta this year, 10 of whom are in intensive care and 20 of whom have not been tested. A confirmed diagnosis of influenza was found in 12 patients, and 12 patients had RSV.

© 2024 Global News, a division of Corus Entertainment Inc.




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