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CDC warns that genital fungus is 'emerging' in New York City

CDC warns that genital fungus is 'emerging' in New York City


Cases of a fungus that causes genital infections are surging in New York City, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has announced.CDC) I will report it.

Bacteria named Trichophyton Genotype VII (TMVII) was first detected in the United States in June of this year, followed by four cases in New York City between April and July 2024.

TMVII infection causes tinea cruris, also known as tinea cruris or “jock itch,” which affects the skin around the groin, inner thighs, and buttocks.

Trichophyton Genotype VII (TMVII) is an emerging fungus that causes genital tinea. Genital tinea can be spread through sexual activity and may require long-term treatment. “The first case in the United States was reported in June 2024,” the CDC report states.

fungal infection new york
Patient with Trichophyton genotype VII rash (main) and fungus (inset). As seen in the photo, the patient had a rash not only on the genitals, but also on the body.

CDC/Avrom S. Caplan

The four additional cases in New York City were all men who had sex with men, indicating that TMVII can be transmitted through sexual contact.

“All four patients were cisgender men between the ages of 30 and 39 who reported recent sexual contact with other men. Patients A and D reported sexual contact with each other, but patient B and “Patient C had no known epidemiologic link to any known TMVII infection. Patient D was a sex worker,” the CDC explained.

Patient B recently traveled to Europe, but the other three patients did not report any recent international travel history. The first infected person in the United States had also traveled to several European countries and California, and had sexual contact with multiple men during his travels.

“TMVII infections have been reported since March 2021 among men who have had sex with men in France, and previously among men who traveled to Southeast Asia for sex tourism,” the CDC said. said.

TMVII is a dermatophyte, a type of fungus that thrives in warm, moist environments. Genital tinea can also be caused by many other dermatophyte species, is more common in men, and is common in athletes and individuals who sweat a lot, wear tight clothing, or don't change wet clothes quickly. It happens.

Ringworm of the body and scalp, also caused by dermatophytes, is also called ringworm because it causes a ring-shaped rash, but it is not related to the actual parasite. Tinea pedis is also caused by the same type of fungus and is commonly known as athlete's foot.

sexually transmitted fungal infections
CDC Notice Regarding “Emergency” TMVII Infection.


The main symptoms of genital tinea include itching, a red ring-shaped rash, flaky or peeling skin, and sometimes a burning sensation.

“TMVII can cause pruritic, ring-shaped, or scaly lesions on the torso, groin, genitals, or face that can be mistaken for eczema, psoriasis, or other skin conditions,” the CDC says. Explained. “Some patients experience inflamed, painful, and persistent lesions that can lead to scarring and secondary bacterial infections.”

All infected patients were successfully treated with antifungal drugs.

Over-the-counter creams containing ingredients such as clotrimazole or terbinafine are often effective, but in more severe cases, your doctor may prescribe oral antifungal medications. Keeping the affected area clean and dry and wearing loose-fitting clothing can help prevent recurrence.

The CDC report notes that this particular strain appears to be more likely to be transmitted sexually.

“Health care providers should be aware that TMVII can be spread through sexual contact and cause lesions on the genitals, buttocks, face, torso, and extremities,” the report states. “Healthcare providers should advise patients with TMVII infection about the importance of avoiding skin-to-skin contact with the affected area and not sharing personal items until symptoms resolve.”

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Zucker J, Caplan AS, Gunaratne SH, et al. Notes from the field: Trichophyton Genotype VII — New York City, April-July 2024. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2024;73:985–988. Doi:




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