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Is your child at risk this winter? Study reveals shocking dangers of vitamin D deficiency | Health

Is your child at risk this winter? Study reveals shocking dangers of vitamin D deficiency | Health


November 5, 2024 06:32 PM (IST)

Research has revealed seasonal deficiencies that can increase the risk of autoimmune diseases such as type 1 diabetes.

winter The days are getting closer and shorter, and with them come serious health risks. Low sunlight is not enough to produce vitamin D, resulting in seasonal deficiency. the study study A McGill University study published in Science Advances shows that this seasonal deficiency vitamin D It can have serious and long-lasting effects, especially for children.

Thymus development in children can be affected by vitamin D deficiency. (Pexels)
Thymus development in children can be affected by vitamin D deficiency. (Pexels)

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Risk of vitamin D deficiency

Vitamin D plays an important role in the development and function of the body. immune system. The thymus is the gland affected by vitamin D deficiency. This gland prepares and trains immune cells to identify and fight harmful invaders and pathogens in the body. Especially in children, vitamin D deficiency leads to premature aging of this gland. This leaves the immune system in a “leaky” state. This is a very serious condition in which immune cells mistakenly attack healthy tissue, causing autoimmune diseases such as type 1 diabetes.

This study builds on findings from a 2001 study. Finlandfound that children who received vitamin D supplements early in life had up to a five-fold reduced risk of developing the disease. type 1 diabetes later.

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Learn more about the research

Lead researcher Professor John White and his team carried out sophisticated experiments on genetically modified rats with vitamin D deficiency to further understand. Their tests of mice showed that the thymus gland and immune system of these mice were severely affected. It established a link between vitamin D and immunity. It is likely to be mirrored to humans as well. Although the experiments were conducted in mice, the similarities in thymus function across species indicate that the findings are equally relevant to human health.

This further highlights the role of vitamin D in the overall picture of human health. Researchers have previously discovered the importance of vitamin D in supporting bone health. However, this study shows that it is also important for immune regulation. Researchers found this to be promising, as it could open new doors in the treatment of autoimmune diseases.

Also read: Vitamin D deficiency due to heat wave. 10 unexpected causes of heart failure; tips for living longer

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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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