Ozempic craze: slight solution or major concern?
The word Ozempic quickly became a buzzword in the health industry and caused much controversy surrounding the use of this anti-diabetic drug. Find out more and speak to an expert.
Social media influencers and celebrities have become important trendsetters, and their actions often influence the behavior of the public. Recently, there was speculation about director Karan Johar's weight change and rumors that he may have used Ozempic. Similarly, content creator Kusha Kapila responded to a question from a social media user and clarified that her transformation was not due to diabetes medication, but to “constant training and clean eating.” After Maheep Kapoor criticized the misuse of Ozempic for rapid weight loss, Karan Johar took to his Instagram story to clarify that his weight change was a result of “eating well and becoming healthy.”
Although Mr. Dzhokhar and Mr. Kapila categorically deny Ozempic's claims, some high-profile celebrities, including Amy Schumer, Elon Musk, Kathy Bates, and Whoopi Goldberg, have used Ozempic and similar products to lose weight. has openly admitted to using drugs. However, the use of this drug remains controversial.
What is Ozempic and how does it work?
Originally designed to manage type 2 diabetes, Ozempic is a weekly injection that helps lower blood sugar levels by helping the pancreas produce more insulin. The prices for injectable Ozempic are as follows: INR8,000 and INR20,000 per shot.
“Drugs like Ozempic are fast-acting, but they are not without risks and side effects. Some people turn to pharmaceutical options without addressing underlying issues such as diet, exercise, and mental health. This is alarming,” said Dr. Vaishali Sharma, laparoscopic surgeon and IVF expert at VS Healthcare.
Also read: Postmenopausal weight gain: Is Ozempic effective for weight management?
According to research from the National Library of Medicine, using Ozempic can lead to an average weight loss of about 6 kg in about 40 weeks.
According to medical experts, it's important to understand that this is not a magic pill for weight loss, but rather a prescription drug with specific uses and potential side effects.
Many users, especially those suffering from obesity, have achieved significant weight loss using Ozempic. However, results vary from person to person and side effects may occur.
“Those who experience side effects should completely discontinue the drug and consider taking other alternative weight-loss drugs that suit their dietary plan and management,” said the senior director of interventional cardiology at Asian Hospital. says consultant Dr. Prateek Chaudhary.
Is it a good idea to jump on the trend train?
Dr. Shivam Sharma, an internist at SHALBY Sanar International Hospitals, cautions: “Do not follow the influence of social media when it comes to medicines. It is essential to consult your endocrinologist before taking Ozempic or any other medicine.”
The use of Ozempic should be based on a comprehensive medical evaluation that takes into account medical history, current medications, potential side effects, and long-term health goals.
By taking the time to get a professional evaluation, you can make safe, informed choices rather than just jumping on trends.
potential side effects
- Gastrointestinal or other stomach-related problems
- nausea
- vomiting
- bloating
- gallbladder stones
- increased heart rate
Dr. Sunita Nagpal, a gynecologist and general practitioner at Salbritas Medcenter, says Ozempic face, Ozempic butt, and Ozempic hair are common problems associated with the drug. The reason is sagging of the skin due to rapid weight loss and the appearance of signs of aging.
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