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Some questions to ask yourself if you think you have ADHD

Some questions to ask yourself if you think you have ADHD


You may have noticed the explosion of online influencers talk about ADHD — Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder — In recent years. You may have thought to yourself, “Oh, I can't pay attention either. Maybe I have ADHD.”

If so, you're not alone.

recent research Researchers at Ohio State University found that one in four adults believe they have undiagnosed ADHD. brain disorders It is associated with hyperactivity, inattention, and impulsivity. If not managed properly, it can wreak havoc on daily operations.

Experts participate air talkon LAist 89.3's daily news show, shared what people should do if they think they're infected.

Why more people think they are undiagnosed

Experts speculate that there are many reasons for the increase in self-diagnosis. Our society has a culture of hustle and bustle and high expectations for productivity. Additionally, there are more things grabbing our attention than ever before, such as social media, and it just so happens that influencers are increasingly talking about neurodiversity.

read more: Want to understand the complexity of neurodiversity? Start here

“The stigma surrounding ADHD has really reduced…but we also know from: some research “It was discovered not too long ago that some of these videos, about 50% of the content, tended to be misleading,” said Ohio State University psychologist and professor of psychiatry and behavioral health. said Justin Bartelian, clinical assistant professor.

It could be something else…

It's important to recognize that some behaviors that qualify as ADHD are quite normal.

“It can happen to anyone to walk into a room and forget something,” Bartelian said. “It's hard to juggle schedules with a busy family, soccer practice, basketball practice, and the occasional missed schedule. All of that is normal.”

I go into my room and forget things. It can happen to even the best of us.

— Justin Bartelian, Clinical Assistant Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Health

Other conditions such as stress, depression, and anxiety can mimic similar symptoms. Experts say these symptoms often accompany ADHD.

questions to ask yourself

Susan Dillon Tudy, a Los Angeles County-based licensed marriage and family therapist (LMFT) who evaluates and treats adults with ADHD, says it's important to analyze your medical history and ask the following questions: I suggested that you consider it.

  • Have you ever caused a serious disruption in your life due to your carelessness, such as missing an important deadline, having trouble at work, or breaking a bone?
  • Let's take a 360 degree view of my life – are these challenges affecting me even from childhood?
  • Have I ever received negative feedback or criticism on any of these tasks in my life and felt deep feelings of failure and shame as a result?

you go deeper

Chudi said the website is the first thing that sends clients., We provide tools, resources, and information you can trust.

If you are still convinced that you have ADHD, talk to your doctor. Bartelian emphasized the importance of pharmacotherapy in the treatment of ADHD, which requires a clinical diagnosis.

“We know that drug therapy, like stimulants, is generally the first-line approach,” he said. “We know they are the most effective. They can bring a lot of improvement to people.”

Stories from listeners

“I always thought I was different. Unfortunately, before this ADHD thing came to light, I started believing there was something wrong with me. It took kids going through the same struggles for me to realize there was a legitimate problem.” — Ken from West Adams

“I was diagnosed with ADHD when I entered menopause. My symptoms worsened during that period. Looking back, I always had ADHD. At first I thought it was bulimia, and then I started seeing a psychiatrist and soon developed bulimia. My life changed when I was diagnosed with ADHD.” — Chris from Torrance

“I was diagnosed when I was 30 years old. Having gone 30 years without knowing, I had a period of mourning. I can't help but think about what happened.” — Michelle from Buena Park

“I got sober eight years ago after realizing I was self-medicating. I'm 49 years old. My psychiatrist thinks I have ADHD, but I haven't been formally diagnosed. . I was on the waiting list for two years. It was very difficult to get a formal evaluation.” — Sean from Glendale

listen to the entire conversation

Survey: 25% of adults believe they have undiagnosed ADHD




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