Want to lower your blood pressure? Try exercising for an extra 5 minutes
Five more minutes of exercise wouldn't be so bad, right? Especially when such a small amount may improve your blood pressure, according to new research. “Incorporating even a few minutes of high-intensity physical activity, such as brisk walking or cycling, into your daily routine can make a difference to your (blood pressure) levels,” said lead author of the study, University College London's Sport Dr. Joe Blodgett, senior research fellow at the Institute for Exercise and Health, said: Researchers analyzed data from about 15,000 people who wore activity trackers and had their blood pressure measured. The study, published Wednesday in the journal Circulation, found that daily activities were divided into six categories: sleep, sedentary behavior, slow walking, brisk walking, standing, and more strenuous exercise. . The researchers used this data to estimate the impact of replacing sedentary time with other activities. As little as 5 minutes of additional exercise per day was associated with lower blood pressure, and as little as 10 to 20 minutes of additional exercise was associated with clinically meaningful changes in blood pressure (2 mmHg or less in systolic blood pressure). (defined as a 1 mmHg decrease in diastolic blood pressure), Dr. Blodgett said. He said clinically meaningful changes in blood pressure could mean a reduced risk of heart disease and stroke. Susan Chen is a professor and associate director of research in the division of cardiology at the Smit Heart Institute at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles. She was not involved in this study. “This study provides very detailed information about the fact that even though most of us are relatively inactive for much of the day, even small changes can make a big difference. “, she said in the paper. Sitting too much Decades of previous research has shown that more physical activity is associated with more optimal blood pressure levels, Chen said. The latest study stands out because it looked at people's daily lives rather than imposing a prescribed exercise program on them. Dr Mark, co-author of the study, said: Hammer, professor of sports and exercise medicine at University College London's Institute of Sport, Exercise and Health, said: “The difficulty with this type of research is that despite the effectiveness in lowering (blood pressure), once the program is completed, That usually means lower blood pressure.''The study's data also shows that people are very sedentary, Chen said. “Data shows that the average middle-aged adult spends about 11 hours per day sitting and doing something,” he said. On average 3 we spend several hours standing, 1-2 hours walking slowly, and about 1 hour briskly walking, but importantly, we spend on average about 15-16 minutes doing any type of exercise, such as activities. ” she said in an email. “It's important for us to recognize this.”A fairly consistent picture of relative inactivity is common across the population. ” This study is not just a walk in the park, meaning that while we can show a link, we cannot say with certainty that increased activity is the cause. Improved blood pressure levels. The results are “convincing enough that I refer to this study when I talk to my patients about how to increase their daily physical activity to impact vascular health and long-term cardiovascular health.” said. ” Chen said in an email. It added that there are slight differences in the data, showing that sedentary time can have a more negative impact on blood pressure in women than in men. “This is important for all adults, but especially important for women,” Chen added. But the answer to improving blood pressure may be more than just a walk in the park. Blodgett said sedentary time can be replaced with non-exercise activities such as sleeping, standing and relaxing. Walking – had little effect. “Replacing sitting time with non-high-intensity activities such as sleeping, standing, and walking requires a significant redistribution of daily time to have an impact on blood pressure (with no impact ),” Blodgett said. By email. “A more achievable strategy may be to focus on replacing sedentary time with high-intensity activity and exercise a little bit each day.” A good rule of thumb for exercise is difficult to tell in full. He said that the goal is to make it so that you are out of breath. Dr. Shaan Khurshid is a cardiac electrophysiologist at Massachusetts General Hospital and an instructor in medicine at Harvard Medical School. He was not involved in this study. Fortunately, the biggest effects were seen in those with the lowest levels of activity. This means you can start gradually. “If you're currently not doing any high-intensity activity or doing very little, aim to increase this by 5 minutes a day and increase if possible,” she said. Ta.
Wouldn't 5 more minutes of exercise be so bad, especially when such a small amount might improve your symptoms? blood pressureaccording to a new study.
“Incorporating even a few minutes of high-intensity physical activity, such as brisk walking or cycling, into your daily routine can make a difference to your (blood pressure) levels,” said study lead author Joe, a senior research fellow at the Institute of Sport Research.・Dr. Blodgett said. , Exercise and Health, University College London.
According to , researchers analyzed data from about 15,000 people who wore activity trackers and recorded their blood pressure. Research published Wednesday Published in the journal “Circulation”.
The study found that the day's activities were divided into six categories: sleep, sedentary behavior, slow walking, brisk walking, standing, and more strenuous exercise. The researchers used this data to estimate the impact of replacing sedentary time with other activities.
As little as 5 minutes of additional exercise per day is associated with a decrease in blood pressure, and just 10-20 minutes or more of exercise is associated with a clinically meaningful change in blood pressure (defined as a 2 mmHg decrease in blood pressure). was. systolic blood pressure or diastolic blood pressure of 1 mmHg), Blodgett said.
Clinically meaningful changes in blood pressure mean a lower risk of heart disease and stroke, says Dr. Susan Chen, professor and associate director of cardiology at the Smit Heart Institute at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles. He said there is a possibility. She was not involved in the study.
“This study provides very detailed information about the fact that even though most of us are relatively inactive for much of the day, even small changes can make a big difference. ,” she said in an email.
sitting too much
Chen said decades of research has shown that more physical activity can lead to more optimal blood pressure levels.
Study co-author Dr. Mark Hamer, professor of sport and exercise medicine at the Institute of Sport, Exercise and Health at University College London, said the latest research was aimed at improving people's daily lives, rather than imposing a prescribed exercise program on them. He said that it stands out in that it observes the following. .
“The challenge with this type of research is that despite the effectiveness in lowering (blood pressure), when people finish the program they usually return to sedentary habits,” he said in an email. I added it.
And the study's data shows that people are more sedentary, Chen said.
“Data shows that the average middle-aged adult spends about 11 hours per day sitting, an average of 3 hours standing, 1 to 2 hours walking slowly, and about 1 hour briskly walking. “But on average, it's about 15 to 16 hours that are important. Take a few minutes to do any kind of exercise,” she said in an email.
“It's important for us to recognize that this fairly consistent picture of relative inactivity is common across the population.”
More than just a walk in the park
The study was observational, meaning that although it may show a link, it cannot be definitively said that increased activity causes improvements in blood pressure levels.
That said, the results are enough for me to refer to this study when I talk to my patients about how to increase their daily physical activity to impact vascular health and long-term cardiovascular status. “Convincing 'health,'” Chen said in an email.
She added that there are small differences in the data, showing that sedentary time can have a more negative impact on blood pressure in women than in men.
“This makes us think that while the overall conclusions from this study are important for all adults, they may be especially important for women,” Chen added.
But the answer to improving blood pressure may be more than just a walk in the park.
Replacing sedentary time with non-exercise activities such as sleeping, standing or walking slowly had little effect, Blodgett said.
“Replacing sedentary time with non-high-intensity activities such as sleeping, standing, and walking requires a significant reorganization of daily time to impact blood pressure,” Blodgett said in an email. We need to allocate it,” he said. “Focusing on replacing sedentary time with smaller amounts of higher-intensity activity and exercise each day may be a more achievable strategy.”
Dr. Shaan Khurshid, a cardiac electrophysiologist at Massachusetts General Hospital and a lecturer at Harvard Medical School, says a good rule of thumb when exercising is to get so out of breath that it's difficult to speak a full sentence. He was not involved in the study.
The good news is that the biggest effects are seen in those who are least active, meaning they can be started gradually, Blodgett added.
“If you currently don't do any high-intensity activity or only do a small amount, aim to increase this by 5 minutes a day, and increase if possible,” she says. I did.
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