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Researchers assess the role of vitamin K2 in the management of nocturnal leg cramps

Researchers assess the role of vitamin K2 in the management of nocturnal leg cramps


Published in JAMA Internal MedicineResearchers evaluated the role of vitamin K2 in reducing the frequency, duration, and severity of nocturnal leg cramps (NLC) in older adults. Researchers conducted a randomized clinical trial comparing vitamin K2 to a placebo and suggested that vitamin K2 may be effective in managing NLC.1

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NLC, also known as nocturnal leg cramps, are painful and involuntary contractions of the leg muscles that occur during sleep and commonly affect the calf muscles, feet, or thighs.2 The exact cause is unknown, but researchers believe that sitting for long periods of time, overusing muscles, standing or working on concrete floors, poor posture during the day, kidney failure, nerve damage from diabetes, It suggests mineral deficiencies, blood flow problems, etc. All possible causes.2

Vitamin K2 is a fat-soluble vitamin that is involved in blood composition and supports bone and heart health. This vitamin is found in animal foods such as beef liver and cheese.3 According to the study authors, vitamin K2 is known to be associated with bone and cardiovascular health, but its effects on muscle remain limited.1

The study authors noted that approximately 50% to 60% of individuals will experience NLC during their lifetime. Approximately 20% of affected individuals experience levels of pain and insomnia associated with seizures and should seek medical attention. Despite its widespread use, there are limited studies clarifying which drugs can effectively treat NLC. Quinine was once considered an effective treatment, but is no longer recommended due to serious adverse events.1

This multicenter, double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized clinical trial enrolled 199 people aged 65 years and older who had two or more recorded NLC episodes during a two-week screening period. According to the study authors, these individuals were selected through job advertisements at Chengdu Third People's Hospital and Affiliated Hospital of North Sichuan Medical University between September 2022 and December 2023.1

Individuals were randomly assigned to receive 180 μg of vitamin K2 or a similar placebo capsule daily for 8 weeks in a 1:1 ratio, with 103 in the vitamin K2 group and 96 in the placebo group. The primary outcome of the study was the mean number of NLCs per week in the vitamin K2 and placebo groups. Secondary outcomes measured the duration of muscle spasms in minutes and assessed the severity of muscle spasms using an analog scale ranging from 1 to 10, according to the study authors.1

“Basic characteristics of participants, including concomitant chronic diseases, were similar between treatment groups. At baseline, the mean (SD) number of NLCs was similar in both vitamin K2 groups (2.60 [0.81]) and the placebo group (2.71 [0.80]),” the study authors said.1

Results showed that over eight weeks, individuals in the vitamin K2 group had a significant reduction in seizure frequency, with an average of 0.96, compared to an average of 3.63 for the placebo group. Additionally, during the intervention phase, both vitamin K2 and placebo decreased the duration of pain intensity, but the mean percentage reduction in NLC severity was greater with vitamin K2. The study authors noted that no adverse events were reported in the vitamin K2 group.1

“The safety profile of vitamin K2 encourages clinical trials to confirm its effectiveness in managing seizures in patients with NLC and its impact on quality of life and sleep,” the study authors said.1

1. Tan J, Zhu R, Li Y et al. Vitamin K2 in the management of nocturnal leg cramps: a randomized clinical trial. JAMA Intern Medicine. Published online on October 28, 2024. doi:10.1001/jamainternmed.2024.5726
2. Leg cramps. cleveland clinic. News release. June 5, 2023. Accessed November 8, 2024.
3. Vitamin K2: Everything you need to know. health line. March 5, 2024. Accessed November 8, 2024.




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